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Young Living Essential Oils

An essential oil is the pure oil of a flower, herb, or spice. These fragrant substances have been used to improve health for quite a time, at least thousands of years. Young Living meets a wide variety of needs with their quality oils.

How long do essential oils last?

The shelf life of an essential oil depends on what chemicals comprise it. Those with oxides or monoterpenes last between one and two years, those that are abundant in phenols last around three years, and those that have ketones, esters, or monoterpenols can last as long as five years.

Can you dilute essential oils?

If the essential oil is too strong, it can be simply diluted by its carrier oil.

How do essential oils function?

The way scientists believe essential oils work is complex, and the science is unsettled. Proponents claim that when they are inhaled or absorbed through the skin, the chemicals react with various body systems. The fragrances stimulate the sense of smell as well as the limbic system, which helps to regulate emotion and behavior. The limbic system is also connected to long-term memory and automatic functions such as your blood pressure, heartbeat, and respiration, and proponents claim these may see a great benefit as well.

What types of essential oils are available?

Young Living’s essential oils include:

  • Peppermint - This popular herb imparts energy and supports the digestive system.
  • Fennel - This has a powerful licorice smell and also aids digestion.
  • Rosemary - This can help promote a healthy growth cycle for your hair, and reverses dry scalp.
  • Vetiver - Also called khus, vetiver is soothing and calming.
  • Lemongrass - Deliciously fragrant lemongrass is used in aromatherapy. It eases myalgia, and when applied topically, it acts as an antibacterial agent. It is one of the few essential oils you can eat, and it is used to give flavor to tea.
  • Frankincense - It has a calming effect, eases stress and pain, reduces inflammation, and supports the immune system.
  • Juniper - This is used in wound healing. It removes toxins from the system, supports your gums and teeth, and healthy blood circulation. Juniper also eases cramps.
  • Lavender - It has been used in easing stress.
  • Lemon - This particular citrus supports digestion, improves your mood, and eases the pain of headaches.

Other types include clove, cedar wood, cinnamon, citronella, and orange. Young Living also offers combinations of essential oils and blends to deal with different health concerns such as stress and insomnia.

Can you blend them?

Though making essential oils is challenging, blending them is fairly easy. A blend of rosemary, cinnamon, clove, lemon, and eucalyptus makes Young Living’s Thieves' Oil, inspired by a fragrance created by French grave robbers.

Are these oils edible?

Some essential oils, such as peppermint, are used as mouth rinses, but it is recommended that you not swallow them.

What sorts of conditions do essential oils affect?

Essential oils can improve a wide array of conditions. These include hair loss, infertility, arthritis, insomnia, allergies, skin, digestive, and circulatory problems.