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During the Spring Festival Golden Week, ice City people spent at least 180 million fresh fruit and meat food to enrich their tables

   2017-02-08 IP Jilin 1597
On February 3, the reporter learned from the Harbin Municipal Bureau of Commerce that during the Spring Festival this year, Harbin ushered in a red "golden week", according to the Harbin Municipal Bureau of Commerce monitoring, New Year's Eve to the sixth day of the first month, Harbin 15 key monitoring retail and catering enterprises to achieve total sales of 187.478 million yuan, an increase of 10.6%.
It is understood that during the Spring Festival, Harbin consumer goods market consumption highlights are more concentrated. Fresh fruits, aquatic products and meat have become the first choice for people to enrich the festival table; The sales of fruit flower baskets, tea and health care products have increased more than twice than usual, and they are the first choice for gifts to relatives and friends. Local specialty products such as black fungus, mushrooms, pine seeds, hazelnuts, sausage, Russian bread sales increased by more than 25% than usual; Jewelry market also ushered in a small peak of consumption, Hsieh Ruilin, Chow Tai Fook, Chow Sang Sang and other jewelry brands are popular.
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