Research on drug trafficking


UNODC monitors and analyses global and regional developments in drug trafficking based on regular reporting from Member States, the monitoring of open sources and first-hand information from structured interviews or similar exercises.

Research on drug trafficking contributes to provide an overall picture of the illicit drug supply chain. It covers aspects such as trafficking routes and flows, latest trends and emerging patterns in drug trafficking and drug distribution, criminal actors involved in drug supply and modi operandi employed.



Trafficking of amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) is a growing concern across the Near and Middle East. The market for “captagon”, an illicitly manufactured drug product mostly containing amphetamine, continues to grow in the Near and Middle East. In parallel, a methamphetamine market seems to be developing in the Near and Middle East, as shown by a rise in seizures of the drug. UNODC conducted an assessment of the drug trafficking situation in Iraq and the Middle East, based on statistical data compiled and shared by the governments concerned, as well as field research in Iraq, with the aim to provide the evidence base for national, regional, and international strategies to prevent and reduce drug production, trafficking, and consumption. The report on “Drug Trafficking Dynamics Across Iraq and the Middle East (2019–2023): Trends and Responses” (to be released soon) provides an understanding on the increasingly complex and dynamic drug trafficking landscape across the Near and Middle East region, and the efforts invested by Iraq and other countries in the region in confronting this threat. Executive Summary available: English, Arabic - Methodology -

Video clip produced by inhabitants in a "Substance abuse rehabilitation center" in Iraq - sharing their story and vision in being provided with another opportunity for life "yes for life no to drugs" : Video .

World drug report

The World Drug Report consists of two products, a web-based element and a set of booklets. The latest global, regional and subregional estimates of and trends in drug demand and supply are presented in a user-friendly, interactive online segment. While Special points of interest include key takeaways and policy implications, booklet 1 takes the form of an executive summary based on analysis of the key findings of the online segment and the thematic booklet 2 and the conclusions that can be drawn from them. In addition to providing an in-depth analysis of key developments and emerging trends in selected drug markets, including in countries currently experiencing conflict, booklet 2 focuses on a number of other contemporary issues related to drugs.

Topical research on drug trafficking

UNODC research on cocaine markets has undertaken a number of studies aiming at monitoring and analysing trends in the supply and demand of cocaine at national, regional and global levels to identify emerging threats and assess potential future developments, ultimately enabling a pre-emptive response implemented with foresight.

UNODC research on opiate trafficking, notably on opiates originating in Afghanistan, has undertaken studies aiming at addressing the need for systematic, comprehensive and consolidated analytical information about patterns and trends in order to monitor and achieve a better understanding of the global impact of opiates (opiate related research).

The UNODC Global Synthetics Monitoring: Analyses, Reporting and Trends (SMART) programme works with Governments to assist them in generating and analysing data on the situation with respect to synthetic drugs, in particular amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) and new psychoactive substances (NPS). (SMART Updates)

The UNODC Drugs Monitoring Platform (DMP) is a common system for collecting, visualizing and sharing drug data. The DMP aims to provide access to real-time data on drug trafficking trends at the micro and macro level, deliver data using interactive visualizations adapted to user specific needs and improve early warning drug threat identification.

Other research on drug supply

Besides its activities on drug trafficking, UNODC research on drug supply also encompasses activities to assess and monitor drug cultivation, production and manufacture at national, regional and international levels.

Besides its activities on drug trafficking, UNODC research on drug markets also encompasses activities to monitor and analyse drug use and patterns of use at national, regional and international levels.


UNODC regularly updates global statistical series on drugs, including on drug trafficking (drug seizures, drug prices, drug purity, drug-related arrests). These data are available at dataUNODC

Following an extensive review of the current data collection instrument on drugs, the Annual Report Questionnaire, the UNODC, in consultation with experts from the Member States and international organisations, is preparing a revised Annual Report Questionnaire, which will be implemented from 2021.

28-30 August 2019Second Expert Working Group on improving drug statistics and strengthening the Annual Report Questionnaire (ARQ)

29-31 January 2018Expert Working Group on Improving Drug Statistics and Strengthening the Annual Report Questionnaire (ARQ)