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machineIndustry: Seize the industry rebound opportunity to focus on industry 4.0 related stocks

Investment points: Market performance From May 27 to June 2, the market rebounded slightly this week, and the Shanghai Composite Index (2940.34,1.660,0.06%) returned to above 2900 points. The same applies to the machinery and military industry
2016-06-06 09:51 Categories:Industry 4.0

Plastics in the context of Made in China 2025 and Internet + strategymachineA blue sea

The industry believes that under the implementation of the Made in China 2025 and the Internet + national strategy, plastic machinery is gradually intelligent and digital, and it is expected that by the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan in 2020, China's plastics
2016-06-06 09:46 Categories:Manufacturing 2025

Plastics in the context of Made in China 2025 and Internet + strategymachineA blue sea

The plastic industry sounds very professional, in fact, including plastic raw materials, plastic machinery, plastic products including the three major plates of the market, in the domestic plate each year are more than one trillion, but also with
2016-06-06 09:43 Categories:Manufacturing 2025

Plastics in the context of Made in China 2025 and Internet + strategymachineA blue sea

The plastic industry sounds very professional, in fact, including plastic raw materials, plastic machinery, plastic products including the three major plates of the market, in the domestic plate every year
2016-06-06 09:10 Categories:Manufacturing 2025

machineIndustry Weekly: Seize the opportunity of industry rebound, pay attention to industry 4.0 related stocks

From May 27 to June 2, the market rebounded slightly this week, and the Shanghai Index returned to above 2900 points. The machinery and military industry also began to rebound, up 6.22% and 5.1% this week, respectively, outperforming Shanghai and Shenzhen
2016-06-06 09:01 Categories:Industry 4.0

machineIndustry: Seize the industry rebound opportunity to focus on industry 4.0 related stocks

From May 27 to June 2, the market rebounded slightly this week, and the Shanghai Composite Index (2937.29,-1.390,-0.05%) returned to above 2900 points. The machinery and military industry also began to rebound, accumulating points this week
2016-06-06 09:00 Categories:Industry 4.0

machineIndustry sub-coverage: Machine vision, adding a pair of eyes to industry 4.0

Recently, the Shanghai police uncovered 17,000 cans of fake brand milk powder in the public spotlight. A spokesman for the State Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday that the case of fake milk powder will be strictly investigated. the
2016-06-04 15:37 Categories:Industry 4.0

machineIndustry: Seize the industry rebound opportunity to focus on industry 4.0 related stocks

From May 27 to June 2, the market rebounded slightly this week, and the Shanghai Composite Index (2944.99,19.760,0.68%) returned to above 2900 points. The machinery and military industry also began to rebound, accumulated this week respectively
2016-06-03 14:10 Categories:Industry 4.0

machineIndustry: Seize the industry rebound opportunity to focus on industry 4.0 related stocks

From May 27 to June 2, the market rebounded slightly this week, and the Shanghai Index (2934.98,9.750,0.33%) returned to above 2900 points. The machinery and military industry also began to rebound, accumulating points this week
2016-06-03 13:44 Categories:Industry 4.0

machineIndustry: Seize the industry rebound opportunity to focus on industry 4.0 related stocks

From May 27 to June 2, the market rebounded slightly this week, and the Shanghai Index (2934.98,9.750,0.33%) returned to above 2900 points. The machinery and military industry also began to rebound, accumulating points this week
2016-06-03 13:44 Categories:Industry 4.0

machineIndustry: Seize the industry rebound opportunity to focus on industry 4.0 related stocks

From May 27 to June 2, the market rebounded slightly this week, and the Shanghai Index (2934.98,9.750,0.33%) returned to above 2900 points. The machinery and military industry also began to rebound, accumulating points this week
2016-06-03 13:20 Categories:Industry 4.0


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