Make money selling on eBay

Sell your items fast—millions of buyers are waiting.

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Learn the basics

Here's what you need to know to start selling.
  1. 1

    List your item

    You can list new or used items and pay a final value fee only when it sells. Learn more about fees - opens in new window or tab. .
  2. 2

    Get seller protection

    You’re protected by policies, monitoring, and our customer service team.
  3. 3

    Choose when you get paid

    You can schedule either daily or weekly payouts, and we'll deposit your earnings directly into your bank account.

Selling as a business? We make it easy

We’ve got powerful tools to help you manage your inventory and orders, track your sales, and build your brand.

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Create a great listing

Here’s six ways to set yourself up for success.


How much does it cost to sell?
Once your item sells, we generally charge 10-15% of the final value. Your first 250 listings each month are free and, after, there’s a $0.35 insertion fee per listing. Learn more about fees - opens in new window or tab. .
What’s the best way to ship my item?
eBay provides recommendations, but you can choose a preferred shipping carrier. Can’t make it to your local dropoff? Some offer free “ship from home” pickup. Print your shipping labels with eBay to receive a discount from the carriers we work with. If you don’t have a printer, we also offer QR codes for eBay labels.
Can I sell locally on eBay?
When creating your listing, you can offer local pickup by selecting it in shipping details. Once the buyer pays, they’ll receive a QR code and a 6-digit code, which you can scan or enter with the app to confirm the sale.
How much will it cost to ship my item?
You can choose the shipping option that offers the greatest value and convenience for you. Learn more about shipping - opens in new window or tab. .
Where can I get shipping supplies?
You can use any packaging supplies you may already have at home or get free boxes from carriers. For an added touch, eBay branded supplies are available to purchase. Buy eBay branded packaging - opens in new window or tab. .
How should I choose my listing price?
For most items, we can provide a price recommendation for you based on recently sold, similar items. How you price your item can depend on how you prefer to sell it—Auction or Buy It Now. Choose a lower starting price for auctions to create more interest.
How does eBay protect sellers?
We understand that things can happen that are out of your control as a seller. When they do, we have your back. Learn more about seller protection - opens in new window or tab. .
What can I sell on eBay?
You can sell almost anything, from homemade goods to used or unused items from your closet. We restrict items that violate any laws, or infringe on intellectual property.
How do I create an account?
To get started, select List an item. We’ll help you create and verify your account, and set-up payment information during your first listing. Have your preferred payment account details on hand and be ready to receive a call or text on your phone for verification.
When will I get paid?
After we confirm the buyer's payment has been received, payouts are sent directly to your bank account, Monday through Friday (excluding bank holidays), within two business days. Once a payout is initiated, funds are typically available within 1-3 business days depending on your bank's normal processing time.
Do I have to pay federal income tax on my sales?
For tax year 2023, IRS regulations require all businesses that process payments, including online marketplaces like eBay, to issue a Form 1099-K for all sellers whose gross payments exceed the current reporting threshold of $20,000 and 200 transactions. However, just because you receive a 1099-K doesn’t automatically mean that you’ll owe taxes on the amount reported on your 1099-K. Form 1099-K reports proceeds (the total amount made from sales regardless of whether you made a profit or a loss). You will need to determine what amount, if any, reported on Form 1099-K represents income to be declared on your tax return. Generally, you don’t have to pay taxes on the sale of a personal item that was sold at a loss (you sold the item for less than what you paid for it). For example, if you bought a bike for $1,000 last year, and then sold it on eBay today for $700, that $700 you made would generally not be subject to income tax. Check out our 1099-K FAQ - opens in new window or tab. .
How does eBay Ads work?
eBay Ads can help you build your business on eBay with effective advertising tools that create a meaningful connection between you and eBay’s global community of passionate buyers - and help you sell your items faster. Stand out among billions of listings on eBay by putting your items in front of interested buyers no matter the size of your budget. Learn More - opens in new window or tab. .

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