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Selling Original JFK Footage - Thoughts

I have been a seller for 17 years but I have an in-law who owns the original Daniels JFK Film Footage currently lent to a museum and they way to sell it. Would eBay take on this type of sale or best to find a private auction/dealer/etc.? I figure the...

User avatar by Von Adventurer
  • 26 replies
  • 2 helpful

Resolved! ebay as a hobby

Anyone here sell on ebay as a hobby, not as a business? I am trying to come up with a model in which I keep my hand in due to having stuff I can't just list on Amazon instead (such as lots). I am not quite ready to wholesale throw the stuff into a ra...

User avatar by Von Guide
  • 79 replies
  • 1 helpful

Ebay sends offers to buyers in countries I don't ship to

Why does eBay let offers go to buyers in countries I don't ship to in my profile? They won't let them bid, so there must be a way to not let offers go to them. Since sellers can't see the buyers offers are going to, we have no way of knowing if buyer...

Cannot issue refund with card on file??!!

I need to authorize a refund to a buyer but it literally just won't let me. I understand I can't use funds on hold but I have a debit card saved to my account, perfectly good card with plenty of available funds, but every time I try I get:Your refund...

User avatar by Von Enthusiast
  • 5 replies
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