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Scope of use of paper cards

The use of paper cards is very wide, paper mobile phone recharge card is a good representative. The plastic card itself is useless except for providing a PIN number,
2016-01-11 09:56 Categories:Office/Gift/Printing

In 2016, the total output value of China's carton packaging industry is expected to exceed 1.9 trillion

China's packaging industry has developed rapidly in recent years and is a non-negligible contributor to China's economic growth. It is expected that in 2015, the total output value of China's packaging industry is expected to exceed 1.5 trillion
2016-01-08 08:56 Categories:Office/Gift/Printing

Three fires burn in printing industry

In the past year, global printing companies have witnessed a series of bankruptcies and restructuring events, plant closures, small printing service providers exit the market, and overall printing industry revenue continues to decline. when
2016-01-07 09:30 Categories:Office/Gift/Printing

How to correctly wade into the capital market for printing enterprises

Capital operation is an indispensable and obvious lifeline for printing enterprises. In recent years, whether it is a large Indian enterprise with an annual output value of several hundred million or an annual output value of only tens of millions
2016-01-07 09:30 Categories:Office/Gift/Printing

From 0 to 1 Disrupting enterprise mobility: Don't stop at IM

In the past two years, the domestic enterprise mobile office market is particularly hot, first Tencent launched on the wechat platform with the subscription number, service number parallel enterprise number; Then rival Alibaba was not to be outdone
2016-01-06 09:41 Categories:Office/Gift/Printing

Green packaging has become the consensus and trend of industry development in 2016

Green packaging will continue to become the consensus and trend of the development of the industry in 2016, and it will be practiced and promoted in more packaging companies. At the same time, green packaging standards and system construction
2016-01-06 08:38 Categories:Office/Gift/Printing

Four opportunities for the future development of the digital printing industry

What is the future trend of digital printing industry? Where will the future opportunities for digital printing come from? How to integrate digital printing and creative design? How to grab
2016-01-05 09:05 Categories:Office/Gift/Printing

Market analysis: Global printing industry lit three 'fires'

In the past year, global printing companies have witnessed a series of bankruptcies and restructuring events, plant closures, small printing service providers exit the market, and overall printing industry revenue continues to decline. when
2016-01-05 09:03 Categories:Office/Gift/Printing

A number of projector industry standards were implemented in April 2016

In November 2015, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology approved the release of a number of projector industry standards. Among them, SJ/T11346-2015 "Electronic Projector Measurement Method" and SJ/T11542-2015 "Stereoscopic projector technology.
2016-01-04 09:43 Categories:Office/Gift/Printing

Worried about office conflict? French media to improve office atmosphere

The atmosphere of the office is not always relaxed and harmonious, and occasionally there are some unstable factors that make the atmosphere of the office very bad. Cosmopolitan has a few suggestions
2016-01-04 09:42 Categories:Office/Gift/Printing

The approval of the China Graphite Industry Alliance by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will effectively promote the graphene industry

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently approved that after research, it supports the Industry and Information Technology Commission of Heilongjiang Province to organize and build the China Graphite Industry Development Alliance (hereinafter referred to as the Industrial Alliance). The reply is clear,
2016-01-04 08:44 Categories:Office/Gift/Printing


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