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Enhance people-to-people ties and promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation to see tangible results

   2021-01-11 Shandong Culture and Tourism Department 614 0
On January 10, The State Council Information Office released a white paper titled "China's International Development Cooperation in the New Era". The full text of the white paper is about 26,000 words, including eight parts in addition to the preface and conclusion. The concept of a community with a shared future for mankind will lead China's international development cooperation in the new era, make new progress in China's international development cooperation in the new era, help build the "Belt and Road" international cooperation, promote the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and jointly respond to global humanitarian challenges

On Jan. 10, The State Council Information Office released a white paper titled China's International Development Cooperation in the New Era.

The full text of the white paper is about 26,000 words, including eight parts in addition to the preface and conclusion. The concept of a community with a shared future for mankind will lead China's international development cooperation in the new era, make new progress in China's international development cooperation in the new era, help build the "Belt and Road" international cooperation, promote the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, work together to address global humanitarian challenges, support developing countries to enhance their capacity for independent development, strengthen international exchanges and trilateral cooperation, and strengthen China's international development cooperation Prospects for international development cooperation.

The white paper said that China's international development cooperation in the new era, guided by the promotion of the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, has richer spiritual connotation, clearer goals and directions, and more dynamic actions and practices. The scale of China's international development cooperation is growing steadily, and it is more inclined to the least developed countries in Asia and Africa and the developing countries in the Belt and Road Initiative.

In the part that the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind guides China's international development cooperation in the new era, the White paper clarifies the cultural roots and spiritual source of China's international development cooperation: the cultural gene and national character of upholding good faith, valuing friendship, upholding justice and upholding morality are the internal driving force for the continuous development of China's international development cooperation. China's international development cooperation stems from the Chinese nation's vision of cosmopolitanism, the Chinese people's simple feeling of reciprocating, China's feelings of internationalism, and China's sense of responsibility as a major country.

The white paper points out that since the Belt and Road Initiative was put forward, China has actively carried out development cooperation in accordance with the development needs of relevant countries, played a role in deepening policy communication, accelerating infrastructure connectivity, promoting unimpeded trade, promoting financial integration and enhancing people-to-people ties, fostered space and created opportunities for the development of countries, and promoted high-quality Belt and Road cooperation.

In terms of enhancing people-to-people ties, the White paper says that state-to-state relations lie in amity among the people, and amity among the people lies in mutual understanding. Through the implementation of assistance for people's livelihood, China has stepped up people-to-people exchanges and cultural cooperation to form a cultural landscape of mutual appreciation, mutual understanding and mutual respect, and strengthen the social foundation for jointly building the Belt and Road. To deepen people-to-people exchanges, China has invited representatives from Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Kazakhstan and other Belt and Road countries to visit China for exchanges to enhance their understanding of China's national conditions and culture. Young volunteers have been sent to Laos, Brunei and other countries jointly building the Belt and Road to serve as a bridge to promote people-to-people ties and cultural exchanges and mutual learning. To strengthen cultural cooperation, China has carried out 33 cultural heritage assistance projects with 17 Belt and Road countries, including the Angkor Wat in Cambodia, the earthquake-damaged Buddhist pagoda in Bagan, Myanmar, the preservation and restoration of the ancient city of Khiva in Khwarizm Prefecture of Uzbekistan, and the joint archaeology of the ancient city of Rahat in Isaikrat in Kazakhstan and the site of Pihepur in Bangladesh. In more than 20 countries in Africa, the "10,000 Villages Access" project has been implemented, and 10,000 villages have been installed with digital television, opening a new window for them to understand the world. To assist Seychelles, Comoros, Tanzania and Mauritius in implementing radio and television center cooperation projects, improve radio and television communication capacity, and become an important carrier of local cultural communication.

The white paper pointed out that the COVID-19 epidemic has posed a huge threat to the life and health of people around the world and a major challenge to global public health security, and the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development remains a long and arduous task. Looking ahead, China will continue to be guided by the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind, take the right approach to justice and shared interests as its value guide, actively carry out international development cooperation to the best of its ability, and inject China's strength into global development.

(Responsible editor: Xiaobian)
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