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    • Brand name: Land Rover Automobile
    • Company name: Jilin Manufacturing cross-border e-commerce platform
    • Release Date: 2013-04-27
    • Official homepage: No
    • Location: Asia - Japan
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    • Views: 16848
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    Land rover

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    The British car company, MG-Rover, gave birth to many of the still famous car factories and brands, such as Jaguar, Mini, Bentley, Rolls-Royce, Vauxhall and the British car industry's survivor, MG-ROVER.

    In 1904 the world's first 8 HP car with a central chassis was born at Rover. In 1919, an improved Model 12 was introduced, soon to be known as the Model 14. In the same year Rover bought a small car designed by Ariel, the later Rover 8, which had captured most of the market for a low price of £145. The Rover 9 was introduced in 1924, and four years later the new Rover 9 replaced the ordinary 10/25. After the capitalist economic crisis, from 1933 to 1939, the annual production of Rover company increased from 5,000 to 11,000 cars, the annual production capacity reached 11,000 cars, and the net profit soared to 200,000 pounds. In 1936 Rover built factories at Acocks Green and Solihull in Birmingham, with the old factory in Coventry gradually being replaced by Solihull. In 1948, Rover introduced the successful 1.6-litre four-cylinder "60" and the 2.1-litre six-cylinder "75", the classic P3 series. In the same year, a 4×4 off-road model, the Land Rover, was introduced. The following year Rover demonstrated the P4 with new six-cylinder technology and earned the nickname "Eye Dragon". But the real success of the P4 was not far off, and when its grille was changed back to its traditional shape, the British people's love for it grew. A total of 130,000 P4s were built. What really established Rover's prestige and brand was the introduction of the P5 luxury sedan in 1958, equipped with Rover's classic 3.0-litre six-cylinder engine. The P5 began to be the favorite car of the British royal family, the Vatican in Rome, and even the Queen chose it as her personal car, and the Rover began to compete with famous cars such as Rolls Royce. In 1963, Rover began work on the P62000, a compact sports executive car. Since then, the launch of the V83500 has allowed Rover to completely enter the ranks of super luxury cars. Rover was first acquired by truck manufacturer Leyland (1966), and in 1968, after the British Motor Company joined forces with Jaguar and Leyland to form the Leyland Automotive Group, Rover merged with Triumph and Jaguar to become a specialist high-end car manufacturer. The Rover P8 was more luxurious than its predecessor, but was not destined to last long because it clashed with the Jaguar XJ6 product. The same thing happened to the P6BS sports car, which didn't even make it to the production line. The company adjusted its strategy and launched the RangeRover in 1970, confirming the Land Rover's luxury status among four-wheel-drive vehicles. The Leyland Group was nationalised in 1975 and miraculously turned a profit eight years later, but the good times were short-lived, with a deficit of £2.55 billion in 1986. Many of its subsidiaries, including Jaguar, have since been sold. In 1988, the Leland Group was bought by British Airways, and the following year, the Leland Group was officially renamed ROVER Group. Six years after being run by British Airways, Rover was taken over by BMW of Germany. At that time, the group's products were divided into three categories: off-road vehicles, sedans and MG sports cars. The Rover 75 is an all-new range of vehicles after BMW took over Rover, and production of the "75" is located at the Oxford plant, where sales began in June 1999. This was followed by the Rover 25 and 45. In 1994, Rover Automotive Group was taken over by BMW for 800 million pounds, and by the end of 1998, Rover brought BMW a loss of more than 3 billion dollars, becoming a big burden for BMW. BMW also managed Rover for six years, in 2000, BMW split ROVER, Ford Motor Company in March to pay 3 billion euros to BMW Group to buy its Land Rover off-road vehicle range, including Range Rover, Discoverer, Freedman, Defender, at the same time the new MG-Rover Group was formed, Rover was split into two brands MG and Rover. The mini sedan stayed with BMW. In the same year, Rover Cars and MG sports cars were bought back to the United Kingdom by the Phoenix Group, a British private investor, for a symbolic £10, and Rover could finally be operated as a British company. At present, the MG-Rover Group produces the Rover25, 45, 75 and 75Tourer models as well as the MGZR, ZS, ZT, ZT-T and the UK best-selling MGTF sports car on the Longbridge production line. In 2003, Rover began production of the new City Rover model. In 2004, Rover prepared to celebrate its centenary. In June 2004, SAIC signed an intentional cooperation agreement with Rover, which was on the brink of collapse. In April 2005, negotiations between SAIC and Rover broke down, and Rover declared bankruptcy. On 22 July 2005, China Southern Automobile acquired Rover, MG, and its engine supplier Powertrain for £50 million. In 2008, Shanghai Auto has completed the industrial and commercial transfer change procedures for the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Nanqi Group on April 1.

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