LocalTime object

Represents limited information about the current time relative to the parent object.


  • date ( Date!)

    The current date relative to the parent object.

  • dateTimeAfter ( Boolean!)

    Returns true if the current date and time is at or past the given date and time, and false otherwise.

    Argument Description
    dateTime ( DateTimeWithoutTimezone! ) required

    The date and time to compare against, assumed to be in the timezone of the parent object.

  • dateTimeBefore ( Boolean!)

    Returns true if the current date and time is before the given date and time, and false otherwise.

    Argument Description
    dateTime ( DateTimeWithoutTimezone! ) required

    The date and time to compare against, assumed to be in the timezone of the parent timezone.

  • dateTimeBetween ( Boolean!)

    Returns true if the current date and time is between the two given date and times, and false otherwise.

    Argument Description
    endDateTime ( DateTimeWithoutTimezone! ) required

    The upper bound time to compare against, assumed to be in the timezone of the parent timezone.

    startDateTime ( DateTimeWithoutTimezone! ) required

    The lower bound time to compare against, assumed to be in the timezone of the parent timezone.

  • timeAfter ( Boolean!)

    Returns true if the current time is at or past the given time, and false otherwise.

    Argument Description
    time ( TimeWithoutTimezone! ) required

    The time to compare against, assumed to be in the timezone of the parent timezone.

  • timeBefore ( Boolean!)

    Returns true if the current time is at or past the given time, and false otherwise.

    Argument Description
    time ( TimeWithoutTimezone! ) required

    The time to compare against, assumed to be in the timezone of the parent timezone.

  • timeBetween ( Boolean!)

    Returns true if the current time is between the two given times, and false otherwise.

    Argument Description
    endTime ( TimeWithoutTimezone! ) required

    The upper bound time to compare against, assumed to be in the timezone of the parent timezone.

    startTime ( TimeWithoutTimezone! ) required

    The lower bound time to compare against, assumed to be in the timezone of the parent timezone.

Types that return LocalTime