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Scientific and technological innovation opens the door to "new quality productivity"
2023-12-08 Source: Economic Information Daily
【 Large, medium and small 】

Editor's note

At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation have formed a historic intersection with the accelerated transformation of China's economic development mode. In the new era, whoever can seize the opportunity of productivity transformation and upgrading will be able to take the initiative in competition and development. In order to accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, we see that Beijing, Shanghai and other places have begun to integrate scientific and technological innovation resources, actively develop strategic emerging industries and future industries, and build a large pattern of integration of talent chain, industrial chain, technology chain and mechanism chain, trying to find a new way of high-quality development.

Beijing: "Create" the future with "new" as the target

In the face of profound and complex changes in the international and domestic environment, Beijing has firmly pursued the development of the digital economy, laid out future industrial clusters, promoted the integration and opening up of the industrial chain, actively seized the industrial heights formed by the new round of scientific and technological revolution, and consolidated the important foundation for the development of new quality productivity. The industrial ecology has risen to the middle and high end of the global value chain.

High-quality development "new knowledge"

44.3 percent! This is the first three quarters of this year, the proportion of added value of Beijing's digital economy in the gross regional product, and the digital economy has become a new base and a new engine for the city's high-quality development.

The extensive application of information technology, innovative achievements and innovative technologies are accelerating the improvement of the work efficiency and level of traditional industries. At present, the repair work of roads and Bridges in deep mountainous areas of Beijing is being fully promoted, and the Beijing Road and bridge emergency support system, as a "behind-the-scenes force", has been unveiled.

"Using the 'intelligent operation and Maintenance of a map', we opened 81 roads with a total length of 1130.9 kilometers in six days." Zhang Song, vice minister of Marketing Department of Beijing Construction and Maintenance Group, told reporters that the smart platform has realized real-time monitoring and perception of the road, greatly improved the level of emergency command and operation and maintenance, and played a key role in emergency times.

The transformation of the construction industry is a vivid footnote to the digital economy to empower traditional industries, with a point to face, steady progress, strong technological advantages of Beijing, actively explore the digital economy reform and development model, deeply involved in the smart city, data elements and other fields, the birth of new clusters of digital industry.

Key algorithm technologies such as natural language, universal vision and multi-modal interaction large model have reached the international advanced level; Microchip Research Institute was approved to lead the construction of the national blockchain Technology Innovation Center; Construction of "Zhongguancun Artificial intelligence large model industry Cluster Area"; Publish 612TB of large model high-quality data sets; Baidu "Wenxin word", Zhipu Huazhang "Zhipu Qingyan" and other 15 large model products through the record and officially launched, the total number of large model products in the country accounted for more than 60%...... Beijing's digital economy industry is accelerating its exploration in frontier fields, and its application scenarios are becoming increasingly rich.

Ouyang Rihui, deputy dean of the China Institute of Internet Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics, believes that as a national center of science and technology innovation, Beijing has strong human resources, perfect digital infrastructure and rich market application scenarios, which can further promote the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and jointly promote technological innovation and business model innovation. We will expand new space for high-quality economic development.

Building a new foundation for the digital economy depends on laying out digital infrastructure ahead of time. Data from the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology show that Beijing has formed a final power supply scale of 12,000 P, equivalent to millions of high-performance computer computing power.

"In the next step, Beijing will accelerate the construction of computing infrastructure, promote general large-scale models and international benchmarks, accelerate the construction of a comprehensive reform of the national data infrastructure system, and give full play to the role of the digital economy as the 'ballast' and 'engine' in high-quality economic and social development." Said Jiang Guangzhi, director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology.

The picture shows SAIC MG brand cars and new energy vehicles waiting for shipment to Australia at Shanghai Waigaoqiao Haitong Automobile Terminal. Photo by Reporter Fang Zhe

Cutting-edge technology "accelerated take-off"

In recent years, from the original innovation of "0 to 1" to the landing of the industry of "1 to N", the vitality of Beijing's innovation main body has burst out, and the industrial ecology is stepping forward step by step.

In the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hongda North Road, a "head" wearing radar self-driving car, carrying passengers slowly past, which is the Beijing high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone opened the full unmanned travel service.

"Autonomous driving will explode in the next few years, and Beijing's long-term layout and support in advance will certainly take the lead." Zhang Ning, vice president of pony Wisdom, said.

From 2020, Beijing will set up an autonomous driving demonstration zone and encourage policies to be tested first. Over the past three years, the demonstration area has gone from 1.0 "small step" to 3.0 stage construction, and will gradually "expand" to the demonstration area of 500 square kilometers in the city in the future, and promote the landing of more automatic driving application scenarios such as Daxing International Airport connection and logistics lines.

The advanced layout in the field of autonomous driving is a microcosm of Beijing's accelerated development of future industries.

Some time ago, Beijing issued the Implementation Plan of Beijing to Promote Future Industrial Innovation and Development, anchoring six fields of future information, future health, future manufacturing, future energy, future materials, and future space, and layout 20 future industries such as general artificial intelligence, 6G, smart travel, and quantum information to create the world's leading future industrial policy source.

Beijing Changmugu Company, which is engaged in the research and development of orthopedics artificial intelligence technology and the application of surgical robots, has developed technologies that have been applied in more than 1,000 hospitals. In the enterprise smart factory, the surgical robot on the production line is in intensive production and debugging, and the R & D team is conducting a scene simulation demonstration of bone and joint surgery in the digital operating room.

Five years ago, the company was a startup of just three people. "Now the team size has reached more than 160 people, the company's products through the first national innovative medical device special review procedure, the territorial department to open up the channel of results transformation project, to solve the problem of docking results, landing difficulties, let us have full confidence in the future." Changmu Valley company chairman Zhang Yiling said.

In order to compete for the future industry, Beijing is planning to move fast: strive to form a group of disruptive technologies and major original achievements by 2030, cultivate a group of industry leaders and unicorn enterprises, train and introduce a group of strategic scientists, industry leading talents, industry managers and excellent engineers; By 2035, a group of innovative subjects with international influence and discourse power will be gathered to become the leader of global future industrial development.

"Beijing will build a future industrial ecology of the whole chain of technology productization, product industrialization and industrial scale, shape new driving forces for development, optimize industrial structure and seize new competitive advantages." Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and information Technology chief engineer Tong Haiwei said.

Industrial chain innovation multi-" chain "coordination

In the off-road vehicle manufacturing base of BAIC in Shunyi District of Beijing, the manufacturing workshop is a busy scene. Employees are nervously debugging equipment on the production line. As the conveyor belt rolls, a new car rolls off the line in turn. At present, a number of automobile industry chain enterprises have settled in Shunyi, accelerating the layout in the fields of automatic driving, smart chips, sensors, radar, and information security.

Yang Xiuling, director of the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, introduced that in order to promote the deep integration of the innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain, Beijing has issued a number of policies to accelerate the formation of a chain structure in science and technology, education, industry and finance, and promote the transformation of scientific and technological innovation into real productivity by continuously increasing the reform and expanding the depth and breadth of opening up. To form a modern innovation system and industrial system that meet the needs of economic development, organic interaction, coordination and efficiency.

In the "2023 SME Characteristic Industrial Cluster List" just released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Beijing has Fengtai District rail transit intelligent control industrial cluster, Daxing District medical device industrial cluster, Haidian District integrated circuit design industrial cluster and other six industrial clusters on the list.

In 2020, Beijing will become the country's only national comprehensive demonstration zone for expanding the opening-up of the service industry. Over the past three years, China has taken into account domestic and foreign investment, market access and quasi-operation, enterprise investment, and talent and intelligence introduction, and has set a good example for promoting the opening-up of key industries in a wider scope, a wider field, and a deeper level. A few days ago, The State Council recently approved and agreed to the "Work Plan for supporting Beijing to deepen the construction of the National Service Industry to expand the opening up of the Comprehensive Demonstration Zone" (Demonstration Zone 2.0 plan), so that the road of industrial opening and cooperation will continue to iterate and upgrade.

To promote high-quality economic development with industrial opening and cooperation, attract more high-end factor resources to gather in Beijing, Beijing actively promotes the deep integration of domestic and foreign industries, and uses introduction and going out to jointly shape the new advantages of Chinese industries to participate in international cooperation and competition.

At the 2023 China International Trade in Services Fair, eight German companies from the Sino-German Industrial Park in Beijing made a collective appearance in the core exhibition area of the National Convention Center.

Yin Yong, Mayor of Beijing, said that closely adhering to the mission of self-reliance and self-improvement of high-level science and technology, focusing on serving the national strategic needs and the development direction of the city's high-end and sophisticated industries, systematically layout key areas of science and technology innovation, Beijing will further create a more excellent innovation ecology, enhance collaborative innovation capabilities, achievement transformation efficiency, consolidate the foundation of the construction of an international science and technology innovation center, and shape the new advantages of high-quality development of the capital. (Reporting by Tu Ming Guo Yujing Ji Ning Yang Na in Beijing)

Shanghai: Ignition technology 'nuclear explosion site'

The large aircraft C919 is like a flying dragon soaring into the sky, and the large cruise ship "Aida Modu" is like a dragon entering the sea... Today's Shanghai is moving toward a scientific and technological innovation center with global influence, and strategic emerging industries with wind vane significance are becoming the "nuclear explosion point" of scientific and technological innovation.

Focus on new industrialization

Recently, a robot named "Bao Luo" has been "on duty" in the hot rolling workshop of Baosteel. In the next five years, China Baowu Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. will introduce tens of thousands of "Baoluo" robots with different functions in stages.

Robots are known as the "pearl at the top of the crown of manufacturing", and their research and development, manufacturing and application are an important sign to measure the level of scientific and technological innovation and high-end manufacturing. Today, from Baowu's industrial robot "on the job" to Fourier Intelligence's general humanoid robot debut, the robot density of Shanghai's industrial enterprises has reached 260 units/million people.

"We have accumulated many patents in the field of humanoid robots. In the future, humanoid robots may become a new generation of terminals, just like car phones." Fourier Intelligence chairman Gu Jie said.

"Intelligent manufacturing" is becoming a "core business card" for cultivating new quality productivity in Shanghai. By the end of October, 146 auto companies and 161 brands had launched 1.27 million new energy vehicles in Shanghai, ranking first in the world.

"Industrial upstairs" "workers to the chain master"...... As large as airplanes, ships, cars, and as small as a piece of clothing within reach of your side, digitalization and intelligence are doing "addition" for the manufacturing industry.

In the North Bund of Shanghai Zhijing Technology Company, the reporter saw that the "Feisoo smart textile" industrial Internet digital system screen is associated with more than 9,000 textile enterprises in the country, more than 700,000 textile equipment operating information, one of which is a set of digital intelligent solutions launched for the dye factory is eye-catching.

"In the past, the formula mainly relied on the personal experience of the master and looked at the formula by memory, which was time-consuming and labor-intensive and prone to error." Today, technology enables formulation management, which is easier to operate and more consistent in quality, and the proofing time is significantly reduced, from the past three to five days to as little as 24 hours." Zou Yuanjiao, head of the brand department of Jingjing Technology, said.

The data, which is vividly called the "new oil", will bring a "multiplier effect" to the manufacturing industry and enhance the development of new momentum. The Shanghai Data Exchange, established in 2021, has achieved more than 1,700 listed data products, with a monthly data transaction volume of more than 100 million yuan, and is expected to exceed 1 billion yuan in 2023.

The picture shows that China's first international mainstream passenger jet C919 successfully made its maiden flight at Shanghai Pudong International Airport. Photo by Reporter Fang Zhe

Build a world-class industrial cluster

Recently, triprilizumab developed by Shanghai pharmaceutical company Junshi Biology was approved for listing in the United States, marking that China's self-developed and self-produced innovative biological drugs have been internationally recognized and successfully "put to sea" in the United States for the first time.

Just 10 days later, another domestic innovative drug from Shanghai - Fuquinitinib, a small molecule anti-cancer drug developed by Huang Pharmaceutical, was approved for sale in the United States, and the first prescription was quickly issued within 48 hours.

"Advanced bowel cancer treated by fuquinitinib is a serious medical problem, but there is a lack of effective new drugs, and there have been no relevant new drugs approved in the United States for many years." Said Su Weiguo, chief executive and chief scientific officer of Chi-Med.

It is no accident that the two landmark innovative drugs came from Shanghai. In recent years, Shanghai has given birth to more than 20 innovative drugs, about 30 listed companies on the biomedical science and technology innovation board, and many "first", "first" and "first" achievements related to biomedicine have been published in top international journals.

Behind the intensive release of results, it is the result of the accumulation of Shanghai biomedical industry cluster. The reporter learned from the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission that the cluster covers the whole chain elements from "0" to "100", which not only brings together China's comprehensive innovative drug research institutions with a long history, big scientific devices to help the research and development of new drugs and drug public research and development platforms to serve start-ups, but also covers business incubation, clinical research, manufacturing, market application, policy support and other industrial security.

At the same time that the old industrial cluster has hit the trillion level, the emerging industrial cluster has also begun to emerge. In June this year, Shanghai issued the "Shanghai Three-year Action Plan for Promoting High-quality Development of Manufacturing Industry (2023-2025)", proposing to promote the three leading industries of integrated circuits, biomedicine and artificial intelligence to build world-class industrial clusters, and create four trillion-level industrial clusters of electronic information, life and health, automotive and high-end equipment. Advanced materials, fashion consumer goods 2 500 billion level industrial clusters, cultivate a number of subdivided areas of 100 billion level industries.

Clear the "fast lane" of two-way links

Recently, Zhao Dongyuan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and first prize winner of the National Natural Science Award, has a "new identity." In November, Fudan University established Xianghui Research Institute, which is a cutting-edge center of basic research and an academic hall for global talents. Zhao Dongyuan was appointed as the first dean.

Zhao Dongyuan's team, in the nano world that cannot be seen by the naked eye, made an original breakthrough in "mesoporous materials", not only found a "golden mountain" on the innovation policy source, but also made new materials go from "laboratory" to "production line", and bore fruit.

Basic research is the source of the whole scientific system and the general organ of all technical problems. There are 15 major science and technology infrastructure facilities that have been built, under construction or planned, forming the world's largest, most comprehensive, and most comprehensive service function of the photon major science and technology infrastructure group; Initiating big science projects such as the International Human Phenome Project, transforming from a participant to an organizer; In 2021, Shanghai won the first prize of the three National Science and Technology Awards at the same time, achieving the first "golden flower" in 20 years... In recent years, Shanghai has spared no effort to lay the foundation in the field of basic research and "store energy" for future industries.

From the source research and development of key core technologies to the realization of "zero breakthrough" of high-end medical imaging equipment, and landing in the United States, Japan and a number of "Belt and Road" co-construction countries, the big step of Lianying medical "breaking the situation", "becoming a potential" and "going to sea" is a vivid portrayal of the effective connection of basic research "the first kilometer" to the "last kilometer" of results.

"It can be said that the 'counter-attack' road of domestic high-end medical equipment starts from a negative starting point." Zhang Qiang, chairman of Shanghai United Film Medical, said that users once had a general distrust of domestic high-end medical equipment. Production, learning, research, medical seamless connection, policy side for domestic equipment to provide "use" space, "the future we catch up with the world's first-class level of determination, more confident."

2023, in-depth implementation of the "Basic research Special Zone" plan, clearly written into the Shanghai Municipal government work report. This makes the confidence of scientific researchers to venture into no man's land and find the "nuclear detonation point" more firm, and also increases the strategic force for future industrial development, joining the global innovation map.

"A lot of 'trial and error' is a significant achievement in itself. The "special" of the Special Zone is to enable scientific research teams to "dig a deep well", promote basic research with major scientific and technological issues, and let scientists dare to try and venture." Luo Dajin, director of the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, said that in the future, Shanghai will focus on dredging the fast track of two-way links between basic research, applied research and industrialization, and accelerate the construction of a science and technology innovation center with global influence. (Reporting by Wang Yongqian, Zhou Lin, Dong Xue and Gong Wen in Shanghai)

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