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The application of nuclear technology in China is expected to achieve breakthroughs in many fields
2024-04-12 Anna reports from Beijing Source: Economic Information Daily
【 Large, medium and small 】

New energy photovoltaic slices and lithium battery recycling wastewater are expected to solve the pain points through nuclear technology, domestic thermoplastic composite materials will replace the steel plate materials in the car to achieve substantial weight loss, and localized proton therapy tumor high-end medical equipment is accelerating research and development. The reporter was recently informed that China's nuclear technology application industry has been rapidly developing, is expected to achieve a number of breakthroughs before 2026, and has shown increasing potential in promoting the upgrading of traditional industries and helping the development of strategic emerging industries.

Photovoltaic slicing wastewater and difficult to degrade pollutants appear "Nemesis"

Under the background of "carbon peak carbon neutrality", China's photovoltaic industry has entered a period of rapid growth, but the slicing wastewater generated by photovoltaic enterprises in the production process has been the difficulty of sewage treatment because of its high pollutant concentration and poor biodegradability.

At the same time, with the rapid development of new energy vehicles, the problem of battery recycling has gradually emerged, the wastewater generated by it has high salt, high COD (chemical oxygen demand), containing heavy metals and other characteristics, and it is not only difficult to treat with traditional environmental protection technology, but also high cost.

In the face of these two new fields, the electron beam treatment of special waste technology "Harmony" jointly developed by China General Nuclear Power Group Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as CGN) and Tsinghua University has shown unique advantages.

Liu Peng, assistant general manager of CGN Dasheng Technology Co., LTD., said that the technology uses the high-energy electron beam generated by the electron accelerator to irradiation instantaneously, directly destroy the molecular structure of pollutants, and the electron beam reacts with water molecules to generate strong oxidizing hydroxyl radicals, hydrogen peroxide and strong reducing hydrated electrons, hydrogen radicals, etc. Rapid reaction with contaminants for decomposition, mineralization and sterilization. The technology has the characteristics of high efficiency, low carbon, safety and reliability, and has been successfully applied in many fields such as printing and dyeing, chemical industry, and has solved the environmental pain points of many industries.

At present, CGN has carried out several rounds of pilot tests on photovoltaic slicing and battery recycling wastewater, and the results show that after the "harmony" electron beam treatment, the COD removal rate in photovoltaic slicing wastewater is stable at more than 55%, which not only effectively improves the biodegradability of slicing wastewater pretreatment stage, but also solves the problem of high concentration wastewater treatment in the advanced treatment stage. In terms of battery recycling, pilot test results show that COD and total phosphorus can be effectively removed from wastewater, and the removal rate of the two indicators is stable at more than 98%, far lower than the discharge standard, which solves the traditional technical problems.

It is understood that CGN Dasheng Technology Company has also signed cooperation agreements with relevant enterprises on photovoltaic slicing wastewater treatment, such as treating wastewater for the photovoltaic park of Longji Green Energy, a photovoltaic manufacturing company.

220 kV AC polypropylene insulation material is expected to be successfully developed

Thermoplastic composite material is one of the world's most advanced polymer materials, China has been successfully developed and in aerospace, automotive, new energy, construction and other fields began to apply, technical indicators and Western developed countries at the same level.

Taking the automotive industry as an example, according to Song Yuxing, deputy director of the research and development department of CGN Juner New Materials Co., LTD., the thermoplastic composite material has been used in batch in the battery pack cover plate, which replaces the original steel plate. By replacing steel with plastic, it plays a role in weight reduction and lightweight, which can improve the driving range of new energy vehicles and reduce the corrosion caused by the use of steel plates. After the service of new energy vehicles, the materials can be completely recycled.

In the field of new energy, thermoplastic composite materials have been used in large quantity in photovoltaic flexible backplane in recent years, which has the advantages of low density, high strength and aging resistance. As a photovoltaic backplane, hard materials such as glass in traditional photovoltaic modules can be removed, and the weight of photovoltaic modules can be reduced to 3.3 kg/square meter, which is 30% of traditional photovoltaic, and the components can be bent up to 0.5 meters. It provides a solution for the application of the opposite sex roof, carport and other scenes.

In addition, the new polypropylene (PP) insulation material developed by CGN High-tech Nuclear Materials Group Co., Ltd. has also been unveiled. The research of PP insulating material began in Europe in the early 1990s, and at present, foreign PP insulating material cables have been applied in ultra-high voltage AC submarine cables and DC submarine cables, with a total length of more than 40,000 kilometers, and the highest voltage level has reached 525 kV. China's research on PP insulation material started late, in 2019, the first application of medium voltage land cable in China, the highest application voltage level has reached 110 kV, but there is still a significant gap with foreign countries.

PP insulation material is a thermoplastic material, compared with traditional crosslinked polyethylene, has the characteristics of recyclable, reusable, no cross-linking reaction, there is no coke problem, can improve the stability of the cable, it will not produce small molecules in the production process, reduce the insulation gap, can effectively improve the service life of the cable, while very low impurities and small molecule content, It is also not easy to generate water trees, which can significantly improve the insulation reliability of the cable.

At present, far-reaching sea offshore wind power and high pressure/ultra-high pressure flexible and direct submarine cable has become a global hot spot, Fei Churan, general manager of CGN High-tech nuclear Materials Group Technology Company, said that CGN will increase the research and development of PP insulation materials in the field of submarine cable and ultra-high pressure, and plans to complete the first 100 kV DC PP insulation research and development in 2024. The first 220 kV AC PP insulation material in China will be developed in 2025, and the first 525 kV DC (DC) PP insulation material in China will be developed in 2026.

High-performance multi-chamber proton therapy accelerator will achieve domestic independent production

As we all know, cancer treatment has always been a worldwide problem, and proton medicine is the world's most cutting-edge tumor radiotherapy treatment technology. Compared with traditional radiotherapy technology, proton therapy can release the energy of ray particles into tumor cells to achieve "fixed point explosion" of tumor cells, so as to avoid damage to normal tissues of the body and achieve better efficacy and minimal side effects.

According to Tang Hongbo, deputy general manager of CGN Medical Technology Co., LTD., after the introduction of the world's leading proton therapy tumor technology in 2020, CGN began to take the road of "introduction, digestion, absorption and innovation", and is committed to realizing the localization and autonomy of China's high-end medical equipment. At present, the proton medical equipment manufacturing base built by CGN Medical Technology Co., Ltd. in Mianyang, Sichuan Province, is progressing in an orderly manner, and the high-performance multi-chamber proton therapy accelerator with the largest installed capacity in the world and the largest number of patients is expected to achieve domestic independent production for the first time and go offline in 2024.

In addition, China's nuclear drug products are highly dependent on imports. According to the reporter's understanding, CGN Nuclear Technology Development Co., Ltd. is currently aiming at "reactor coupling and diagnosis and treatment integration" to gradually build a complete nuclear medicine industry chain, of which the medical isotope production base is under construction in Mianyang, the goal is to have the mainstream medical isotope supply capacity by 2030, and self-developed or incubated several new nuclear medicine products. To help build a "healthy China".

In the field of nuclear security inspection, CGN Beigu Technology, entrusted by CGN Nuclear Technology Development Co., LTD., has overcome key technical problems such as dual-energy substance identification and three-dimensional image reconstruction through independent innovation. The self-developed security CT system can not only efficiently and accurately identify prohibited items in packages, but also realize the localization of key components. At present, the centralized image review and intelligent map review system independently developed based on AI technology has been used in many scenarios such as Hainan Free Trade Port.

"The application of nuclear technology is an important industry related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and a typical representative of new quality productivity." Li Yong, Secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of CGN Nuclear Technology Development Co., LTD., said that the next step will be to give full play to the advantages of nuclear technology application embedded industry, accelerate scientific and technological innovation, deeply integrate with the industrial chain, actively promote the upgrading of traditional industries and the growth and development of emerging industries, and accelerate the cultivation of new quality productivity.

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