4.34.3 sterne (top 5 sterne)
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    58Bewerten sie ihn.

Die aufgabe der mutter ist Von keinem zu hilfe zu kommen

Es ist simpel, 85 prozent haben sich darauf eingelassen

Der Good drive 87% ist einverstanden

Ergebnis! 498!

Zeigen sich "span class =" RVW rating - FLTR "> / span". Evaluierung xprop | alle zeigt

Eine freundin Von uns.

Eine bewertung.


Don’t waste your money.

I really don’t know why this product is on the market. The sales pitch for it is misleading. The only good thing about this product is that it clearly says “Zinc Free “. That I assume has to be true. But in no way is this product easy to use and worthy to be called an adhesive. It is plastic for sure. But it doesn’t prevent movement or rocking when eating. Very time consuming to apply. It does last a long time but it doesn’t adhere at all.

Kaufen werden lizenz: sind xprop |. : neue xprop |, : uspharma


words of wisdom

This product is pretty much the best denture adhesive on the market right now for people who wear
dentures. It's the closest thing we can get to the Cushion Grip from years and years ago.
My word of caution to anyone who might be considering having their teeth pulled is just not to do
so. Do what you have to do to hold on to your natural teeth. I was tricked into having my upper jaw teeth extracted 40 years ago, and it turned my life into a living nightmare. Hold on to your natural teeth just as long as you possibly can, especially if you can' t afford dental implanted teeth. Natural is always better. Don't let anybody trick you into having your natural teeth pulled.

Kaufen werden lizenz: sind xprop |. : neue xprop |, : qhf8163


This helped me tremendously!!

I have a small mouth and have issues with slippage. Comfort Grip definitely made my top denture suction up tight to the roof of my mouth and improved the bottom denture fit, it is more stable and doesn't rock like before and has a little more suction.

Kaufen werden lizenz: sind xprop |. : neue xprop |, : uspharma


Cushion Grip

My 90 year old Mom swears by this product! Finally found it at an affordable price. She bought 3 tubes

Kaufen werden lizenz: sind xprop |. : neue xprop |, : hule19


Best product

I used this for a very long time but then it disappeared off the shelves at cvs. So I looked for it in eBay and it was there, but at a price I couldn’t afford. Then all of a sudden it’s back at a great price and better than ever. Buy it. It works.

Kaufen werden lizenz: sind xprop |. : neue xprop |, : uspharma


It works better than going to the dentist for refitting.

Loose temporary upper plate would not hold with other products. It holds for 5 to 7 days - although it takes a few tries to get the fit right at first it is easy to add in sections that are loose. I've been using for 4 months now and have 2 months to go and am on my second tube.

Kaufen werden lizenz: sind xprop |. : neue xprop |, : uspharma


Great denture liner!

This works better than any other type of denture liner. It lasts for several days and can be placed in several areas that need cushioning while other areas don't. It is especially helpful in the bottom denture, as that is where there is more bone loss and sore spots. I had trouble finding it for awhile and am delighted to see it back on Ebay.

Kaufen werden lizenz: sind xprop |. : neue xprop |, : uspharma


Not an adhesive but good.

It is not an adhesive but a soft reliner. It spreads so fast on your gums. If your dentures are not too loose, they will hold tight, but if not you will still have to use some adhesive. Put under hot water first to make it easier to squeeze out of the tube

Kaufen werden lizenz: sind xprop |. : neue xprop |, : uspharma


Helps keep dentures in place

The cushion grip is a little like a soft reliner for your dentures. I only use it for my lower plate, and used with or without your regular denture paste, it helps keep my dentures from moving. I use it with a very small amount of Polygrip and I can use it for a lot longer than the 4 days recommended by the manufacturer.

Kaufen werden lizenz: sind xprop |. : neue xprop |, : vitabox_llc


A must have for denture wearers

Every denture wearer needs to have this around. Makes a better fit and helps with any sore spots. It’s not a bonding type like poligrip, it just helps with the fit. I highly recommend it.

Kaufen werden lizenz: sind xprop |. : neue xprop |, : uspharma

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