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    • Brand name: Jaguar
    • Company name: Jilin Manufacturing
    • Release date: 2015-08-17
    • Official homepage: No
    • Location: Siping City
    • Number of comments: 0
    • Views: 346
    Brand introduction


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    Jaguar (Jaguar) : is a British luxury car manufacturer, the car logo is a jumping before the "jaguar" image, vigorous and brave, both physical and spiritual, with a sense of The Times and visual impact, it represents the name of the company, and shows the power and speed of forward Mercedes, symbolizing the car like the jaguar gallop around the world. The world's luxury car brand Jaguar has been highly respected by the British royal family since its birth, from Queen Elizabeth to Prince Charles and other royal nobility all favor Jaguar, Jaguar is Prince William's wedding royal car, showing royal style. In 1989, Jaguar was acquired by Ford Motor Company of the United States, and on March 26, 2008, Ford sold Jaguar and Landrover to Tata Motors of India. Since joining the Tata Motors family in 2008, Jaguar has begun to have a truly global outlook. More than 80 percent of the Jaguar cars produced at the Bronwich plant are exported to 101 markets around the world, including major markets such as China, the United States and Europe.
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