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JOJO Children's Wear: Change · Strength · Start Conference 2016

The Year of the Monkey, good luck, good luck! Monkey Fuqi, flag open win, Fulaifu full, Fuhong world! Shenzhen long fashion children's wear Co., LTD. I wish all friends
2016-02-25 10:48 Categories:Textile/Clothing

MINICHOC 2016: Adventures in the Food Kingdom

Following ILOVECHOC's dark food and calorie series, minichoc has joined the gourmet food army, with kids taking a pineapple hot air balloon adventure in the food-filled kingdom! In the spring
2016-02-25 10:47 Categories:Textile/Clothing

Didiou brand women's spring unlimited beauty!

With the colorful fireworks and cheerful New Year festival slowly fading, stepping on the spring symphony of hope, the beauty goddess display color time. Didiou 2016 spring new products have been listed nationwide, happy
2016-02-25 10:47 Categories:Textile/Clothing

Ladies Era women's wear: Fashion, personality to the end

Lady era, has always been the pursuit of fashion, personality, to create a fashion lady women's wear, let us take a look at the lady era in the end how to interpret it? Softer than black
2016-02-25 10:46 Categories:Textile/Clothing

Keying women's 2016 spring/summer new collection released

KEING women's wear interprets the natural, simple and fashionable dress style with exquisite, elegant and noble mature taste, the pursuit of modern and classical women's beautiful temperament emphasizes tenderness and romance
2016-02-25 10:45 Categories:Textile/Clothing

7 things you can't miss from Paris Fashion Week Autumn/Winter 2016

Paris Fashion Week, as the last stop of the four major fashion weeks every year, may not be as large as the number of brands released in New York, but it is the most important city for many top luxury brands and media people. In succession
2016-02-24 09:10 Categories:Textile/Clothing

In 2016, clothing companies should pay attention to three new developments

In 2016, clothing enterprises should pay attention to three aspects: practice their own internal skills, follow the industry trend, and seize the capital tuyere. These three things are a trinity, mutually reinforcing, in the same development logos
2016-02-24 09:09 Categories:Textile/Clothing

Sporting goods industry trend forecast outlook 2016

2016 Sporting goods industry trends predict that brands and retailers will need to shift away from traditional advertising in broadcast and print and instead spend most of their energy on social media. 2015
2016-01-23 12:52 PM Categories:Textile/Clothing

In 2016, the garment industry will enter the era of integration of industry and finance

Although every year will look back and say that this year is a special year, but looking back at the past few years, as well as looking forward to the next few years or even longer, for the clothing industry, I
2016-01-23 09:58 Categories:Textile/Clothing

Market value of 60 billion yuan Heilan home into the domestic clothing industry "a brother.

Recently, Standard & Poor's released a report ranking the top 25 most valuable apparel companies in the world. Heilan Home, which focuses on Chinese men's wear, ranked 14th with a market value of more than 60 billion yuan.
2016-01-23 08:46 Categories:Textile/Clothing

Xinjiang Shawan ushered in the spring of textile industry development

As a center of Xinjiang textile industry, Shawan County has continuously increased the construction of textile and garment industry parks and textile and garment industry projects. At present, Xinjiang Xintai Textile Co., LTD
2016-01-22 08:49 Categories:Textile/Clothing


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