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    • Brand name: Semma Clothing
    • Company name: Jilin Manufacturing cross-border e-commerce platform
    • Release Date: 2013-04-27
    • Official homepage: No
    • Location: Asia - Japan
    • Number of comments: 0
    • Views: 16347
    Brand introduction

    Sema Clothing

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    Zhejiang Senma Clothing Co., Ltd. is a brand clothing enterprise characterized by virtual operation and dominated by a series of adult casual wear and children's clothing. For 12 consecutive years, it has been rated as the top 100 of China's garment industry in terms of sales and profits, the top 500 of China's private enterprises, ranked among the top 10 of China's garment industry competitiveness, and is one of the dominant enterprises in China's garment industry.

    The company currently has "Semma" and "Bala Bala" two major clothing brands, among which, "Semma" brand was founded in 1996, the products and brand positioning in young, fashionable, energetic, cost-effective public leisure clothing, mainly for 16 ~ 30 years old young students and young groups who have just entered the society. The brand has won the China Famous Trademark, China Famous Brand, National Inspection Free product and China Clothing Brand Marketing awards, is China's leading casual clothing brand. "Bala Bala" brand was founded in 2002, positioning as a professional, fashion children's wear, mainly for 0-14 years old middle class and well-off families of children's wear consumer groups. The brand has won the Chinese children's wear China Famous brand, China Famous trademark, China clothing brand Potential Award, China's top ten children's wear brands. "Bala Bala" brand's market share and brand awareness are among the domestic children's wear brands, known as "creating the development miracle of Chinese children's wear brands".

    Since the establishment of the enterprise, Semma Clothing has adopted the virtual business model and constantly innovated in practice, outsourcing clothing production, focusing on product design, brand communication, supply chain management and channel expansion, "long board to do long, short board outsourcing". In the 16 years of development, Semma Clothing takes "integration and innovation, win-win development" as the business idea, and strives to play the four roles of "channel planner, resource integrator, brand manager, and humanistic practitioners". Based on the clothing industry, based on the domestic market, based on brand building, based on humanistic leadership, and integrated global advantageous resources with an international perspective. To focus on the state of mind and the spirit of persistence to do industry, out of a social mass production, professional division of labor cooperation way.

    From the beginning of the establishment of the enterprise, Semma clothing has established the core values of "harmonious and win-win" and the business philosophy of "river has water and river is full", emphasizing the win-win situation with partners and other stakeholders, and pursuing the harmonious development between enterprises and employees, enterprises and society.

    In March 2011, Senma Apparel was successfully listed on the small and medium-sized board of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, becoming a leading apparel listed company in market value.

    In the future development, Semma Clothing will base on the main business, strengthen the industry, adhere to win-win as the cornerstone, leverage the capital market, continue to implement the multi-brand development strategy, the "Semma" brand to develop into the leading domestic leisure clothing leading brand; "Bala Bala" brand has developed into a leading children's clothing brand with obvious advantages in China, creating a one-stop shopping platform for children's clothing and a children's products kingdom with rich categories, developing Sema into a multi-brand clothing group that meets the professional, fashion and diversified life needs of children and adults, and realizing the corporate ideal of "Sema with you for life".

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