Traditional APIs: Search
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Forum Posts

Could not find items in /item_summary/search with filter on seller's username

Hello, I'm trying to search for items for this seller: curl --location --globoff '{gravityperformance}&q=EXHAUST' \--header 'X-EBAY-C...

I want to search for an item by name and be to get the data to view its most recent selling prices

Hello, I have been trying to use the npm installation of the ebay API for Node.The documentation is confusing for me as I've been trying to use the getItem function however, I am not finding how getItem actually works and what kind of parameters it t...

User avatar by Von Rising Star
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getSellerList 10007 error

I was repeatedly running my getSellerList pull for data for one day only.It's old data that should not be changing.I have been modifying and testing how to exploit the resulting data.I have not been changing the input parameters that are sent to the ...

User avatar by Von Adventurer
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ebay api and oauth tokens

Hi there, I have a C# application, it just needs to query for one product (get details, affiliate link etc then will redirect the user to ebay), I can get this to work for an amount of time. What I was doing is using the tokens from the API Explorer ...

Minting Access Token

Hi I'm trying to get renew my access token so that I keep using the search api without having to change the token manually.I keep getting response 500. What am I doing wrong? import base64 import requests client_id = "username-appName-PRD-xxxxxxxxx-x...

Epid incosistency within 2 Endpoints

Hello,We are trying to fetch specific product information through Epid.1. We first fetch the products via Browse API - Search with a URL like that : gives us back a list ...

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