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How to walk the road of "Industry 4.0" : Hot topics need cold thinking

With the continuous development of market economy, the era of Industry 4.0 has quietly arrived. Industry 4.0 aims to improve the level of intelligence in manufacturing, and establish adaptability, resource efficiency and human factors engineering
2016-06-20 08:46 Categories:Industry 4.0

VR from "Internet +"

It seems that at the speed of light, the lofty technology of VR (virtual reality) has been accepted and known by the public. I want to play VR! At 10 a.m. on the 19th, a 6-year-old boy was in the Internet economy
2016-06-20 08:45 Categories:Internet plus

Can the Internet still save the real economy

In the past few years, the influence of the Internet on China's society and economy has been expanding and deepening. Government regulation, business operation and people's life have all been closely linked with the Internet. Tencent
2016-06-20 08:44 Categories:Internet plus

"Quanzhou Manufacturing 2025" demonstration project implementation symposium held

Quanzhou Manufacturing 2025 demonstration project implementation symposium held Zhou Ji Zheng Xincong Kang Tao Quanzhou network - Quanzhou Evening News (reporter Xie Xi) yesterday, the Chinese Academy of Engineering President Zhou Ji and his delegation visited
2016-06-20 08:43 Categories:Manufacturing 2025

China (Fujian) Intelligent Manufacturing Summit was held in Fuzhou

Southeast network June 20 news (Fujian Daily reporter Xie Xianwei) 19, China (Fujian) intelligent manufacturing Summit held in Fuzhou. At the meeting, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on the deepening system
2016-06-20 08:42 Categories:Manufacturing 2025

Research report: Internet insurance consumer groups have reached 330 million

Among the many investment and financial consumer groups, there is one group that has not received enough attention, that is, the Internet protection. As of March 2016, the number of Internet insurance consumers has exceeded 3
2016-06-20 08:42 Categories:Internet plus

Li Deyi: Smart car or a business card of "Intelligent Manufacturing 2025" (Group photo)

Academician Li Deyi in his speech What is the development prospect of intelligent driving industry? How close are we to the driverless era? What is the core of driverless cars? June 17, 2016
2016-06-20 08:41 Categories:Manufacturing 2025

Lay a solid foundation for integrating "Made in China 2025"

Manufacturing industry is the pillar industry of the national economy, which plays an increasingly important role in the world. Manufacturing competitiveness has become a measure of a country and a region's comprehensive strength and international competitiveness
2016-06-20 08:40 Categories:Manufacturing 2025

Zhang Tao, Central Bank: The financial system needs to play an important role in supply-side structural reform

Zhang Tao, vice governor of the People's Bank of China, said in a speech at the 2016 Lujiazui Forum in Shanghai on the 12th that the reform of the financial system needs to play a very important role in the overall supply-side structural reform
2016-06-20 08:40 Categories:supply side reform

How to take the road of "Industry 4.0" : Need cold thinking

With the continuous development of market economy, the era of Industry 4.0 has quietly arrived. Industry 4.0 aims to improve the level of intelligence in manufacturing, and establish adaptability, resource efficiency and human factors engineering
2016-06-20 08:39 Categories:Industry 4.0

Supply-side reform should observe the "five bottom lines"

Industrial growth and other data for May are out, and investment and consumption are down. As a result, tempers flare, leading to calls for a return to demand-side stimulus. Reform on the supply side and demand side
2016-06-20 08:39 Categories:supply side reform


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