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February 13 textile three major raw material market morning post

   2017-02-14 IP Jilin 1582

Cotton (2.10) : After the spot rose a few days ago, currently maintain the adjustment, Jiangsu white cotton is 3, 4 level quotation 15500-16000 yuan/ton of gross weight self-lifting, downstream wait-and-see mentality increased, some textile enterprises said that after the Spring Festival rose partly driven by cotton, because cotton will affect the price of storage in March, has risen after the wait-and-see, such as cotton continues to rise, will still purchase some cotton, To prevent the price of storage to rise, while the cotton is maintained, waiting for auction storage. Polyester staple fiber (2.10) : Waiting for clear guidance after the Lantern Festival, this polyester market continues to be stable, polyester staple fiber is also horizontal to see, Jiangsu and Zhejiang 1.4D direct spinning polyester staple fiber mainstream reported 8750-9000 yuan/ton factory, real single can be talked about.

Viscose staple fiber (2.10) : The price center of gravity continues to rise, yesterday and today the viscose factory quote again pulled up 100-200 yuan/ton, the mid-end quote is generally not less than 17,000 yuan/ton, the mainstream manufacturers quote to 17200-17300 yuan/ton, the real single execution is not less than 17,000 yuan/ton, the center of gravity 17000-17100 yuan/ton, Some higher intention to execute 17200-17300 yuan/ton. High-end manufacturers do real single execution transaction 17,300 yuan/ton, part of the intention to offer 17,500 yuan/ton.

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