Huawei Cloud
Preferred by over 3 million customers worldwide
Huawei Cloud
Preferred by over 3 million customers worldwide
Unveiling Huawei Cloud Successes of 2021!
Unveiling Huawei Cloud Successes of 2021!

Featured Stories

AI-Assisted Chili Sorting

The quality of the chili determines the flavor of the spice blends made of chili powder. Hexa Food believes that good spice blends can only be made from good raw materials, so they always place great importance on raw material sorting. The IoT team of Hexa Food used HUAWEI CLOUD ModelArts and the intelligent device Atlas 500 to accurately identify the quality of chilies and intelligently distinguish the good chilies from the bad, improving the production efficiency and quality of the spices.

Huawei & RFCx: Saving the Rainforest by Listening

Huawei worked with Rainforest Connection (RFCx) to help protect the rainforest from illegal logging and to protect endangered species. They developed an intelligent algorithm model based on Huawei's advanced artificial intelligence service (HUAWEI CLOUD AI) and tools (ModelArts) to more accurately identify the sounds of chainsaws and trucks. They also built intelligent models that detect and analyze the sounds of spider monkeys, which provides information about their habitat, behavior, and possible threats. Forest rangers are better able to protect the monkeys or various endangered species living in the rainforest.

Sanlian Hope: Empowering Smart Manufacturing with AI

With HUAWEI CLOUD Industrial Intelligence Twins, Sanlian Hope is better prepared to meet more complex and more varied requirements of downstream industries. More frequent collection of more multidimensional data allows for real-time, flexible, and precise control. The number of detectable dimensions of the fiber quality was increased tenfold, Und das gebiet ist der richtige ort, verstehst du, es wird jeden tag 28,5% der stimmen des matching's's sein.

Cloud Computing Supercharges Rendering

Qin Render Cloud improved the rendering capacity and efficiency with the immense computing resources from HUAWEI CLOUD. Supercharged with cloud computing and big data technologies, Qin Render Cloud provides solutions for worldwide AI digital content rendering. HUAWEI CLOUD OBS improves the upload bandwidth usage to over 95% and the transmission speed by 300%.

HUAWEI CLOUD Collaborates with Goldcard to Transform Public Utilities

ESLink, a subsidiary of Goldcard, has established an end-to-end integrated SaaS cloud service platform based on Huawei's OceanConnect ecosystem.

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Case Studies


  • All
  • AI
  • IoT
  • Dedicated Cloud & Hybrid Cloud
  • Applications on Cloud
  • Campus & Edge-Cloud Synergy
  • Cloud Communications
  • IaaS
  • PaaS
  • DevCloud


  • All
  • Internet & Media
  • Retail & E-commerce
  • Financial Services
  • Healthcare & Life Science
  • Automobile, Manufacturing & Energy
  • Government
  • Transportation & Logistics
  • Agriculture
  • Environmental Protection