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How to get help on the Collectibles and Arts board

Everyone here is a volunteer. All are eBay users, buyers and sellers, willing to give time and energy to help one another.  The information provided helps sellers make more money, helps buyers make better choices, and helps collectors better appreciate what they have.


Don't make posting here a waste of your own time or a thankless, frustrating task for the volunteers.  Do the following:


- Ask specific questions.


- Provide good, clear, well-lit, close-up photographs.  Insert the photographs using the cameria icon.  Do not post them as attachments or links.


- Include the dimensions of the item in question, or include a ruler or common object in the photographs to show size.


- Include the material of the item, or your best guess as to the material if you're uncertain.


- If you find you have more information, photos, or questions, add them to the current thread.  Do not start another thread about the same item.


- Include relevant information you already have, so no one wastes time duplicating research.


- Return to see if there are replies. That bears repeating:  Return to see if there are replies.  Check the "Email me when someone replies" box to the right of the Subject line.


- Acknowledge replies, which is easily done with a click on the "Helpful" button.


- If you feel your question has been answered, click that responder's reply (not your own post) as the solution. It's the least you can do to say "thanks" for a stranger's help.


- Don't kill the messenger. If you don't like a reply, or think it is unhelpful, just ignore it.



I am going to ask the moderators to pin this thread.


Message 1 of 18
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How to get help on the Collectibles and Arts board

Preference paid to posters that speak clearly, concisely and factually. Bonus points to those with open minds. :thinking_face:

Message 2 of 18
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How to get help on the Collectibles and Arts board

@maxine*j wrote:

Everyone here is a volunteer. All are eBay users, buyers and sellers, willing to give time and energy to help one another.  The information provided helps sellers make more money, helps buyers make better choices, and helps collectors better appreciate what they have.


Don't make posting here a waste of your own time or a thankless, frustrating task for the volunteers.  Do the following:


- Ask specific questions.


- Provide good, clear, well-lit, close-up photographs.  Insert the photographs using the cameria icon.  Do not post them as attachments or links.


- Include the dimensions of the item in question, or include a ruler or common object in the photographs to show size.


- Include the material of the item, or your best guess as to the material if you're uncertain.


- If you find you have more information, photos, or questions, add them to the current thread.  Do not start another thread about the same item.


- Include relevant information you already have, so no one wastes time duplicating research.


- Return to see if there are replies. That bears repeating:  Return to see if there are replies.  Check the "Email me when someone replies" box to the right of the Subject line.


- Acknowledge replies, which is easily done with a click on the "Helpful" button.


- If you feel your question has been answered, click that responder's reply (not your own post) as the solution. It's the least you can do to say "thanks" for a stranger's help.


- Don't kill the messenger. If you don't like a reply, or think it is unhelpful, just ignore it.


I am going to ask the moderators to pin this thread.




- Return to see if there are replies. That bears repeating:  Return to see if there are replies.Check the "Email me when someone replies" box to the right of the Subject line.


- Acknowledge replies, which is easily done with a click on the "Helpful" button.


- Return to see if there are replies. That bears repeating:  Return to see if there are replies.Check the "Email me when someone replies" box to the right of the Subject line.


- Acknowledge replies, which is easily done with a click on the "Helpful" button.


- Return to see if there are replies. That bears repeating:  Return to see if there are replies.Check the "Email me when someone replies" box to the right of the Subject line.


- Acknowledge replies, which is easily done with a click on the "Helpful" button.


- Return to see if there are replies. That bears repeating:  Return to see if there are replies.Check the "Email me when someone replies" box to the right of the Subject line.


- Acknowledge replies, which is easily done with a click on the "Helpful" button.



Oh yes!!!


If there is any takeaway for people who asks questions here, it is these two particular things... many of us are watching to see if a question that we have answered has a response from the OP in a form of another question or something else that needs to be clarified from the person who originally asked the question (OP - original poster.)


It is like having a conversation on a phone... if you asked someone a question and they answered you, would you just hang up? No thank you... bye... go to hell... nothing? . just "click - dial tone?" If someone did that on a phone, it would be considered extremely rude and yet many who ask questions here do just that in digital protocol.


Thank you @maxine*j for posting this.   You get at least  the best post of the week award!


Awesome post!  :grinning_face:

Message 3 of 18
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How to get help on the Collectibles and Arts board

Well, my bubble has been burst! I really thought we were being paid for this valuable service we provide and that the checks had been simply held up due to the virus.


Thanks to Maxine for this much-needed input!!!

Message 4 of 18
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How to get help on the Collectibles and Arts board

Thought I would include my two cents for what it's worth. I for one greatly appreciate those who provide answers and information on items people like me post. I never post something unless I've exhausted the resources I have available and I'm not too proud to ask for help. I enjoy learning from those who have the knowledge and expertise.


I don't know about others, but I do not get notified when someone has posted a reply to a "conversation" that I initiated even though I have checked the box asking to be notified. In addition, the new format leaves a lot to be desired in my opinion - having to dig through pages and pages of posts to get back to a topic of interest to see if someone has added a reply is frustrating. The old format of the last post being at the top of the list is sorely missed.


In closing, thanks again for all the help provided. And some of the discussions are quite entertaining! Keep up the good work!  Mark



Message 5 of 18
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How to get help on the Collectibles and Arts board

To add to what Maxine said.  Pictures - front, back, bottoms are very important - we are a visual bunch.


Some cell phones do not show the camera icon to post pictures.  In this case you will need to email the pictures to yourself (as medium) and save them on your computer then upload them using the camera icon.  Using the camera icon is critical if you are looking for help.


So far the managers have not seen fit or do not know how to correct the system and have not added the camera icon.  Hopefully, they will figure it out in the NEAR future.

Message 6 of 18
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How to get help on the Collectibles and Arts board

@maxine*j wrote:

I am going to ask the moderators to pin this thread.

 I think a lot of us are going to be unhappy if that request isn't met.

Message 7 of 18
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How to get help on the Collectibles and Arts board

And that the newest reply to any post goes to the top of the board like it was before. It's like they don't want us here and are intentionally making the use of this board (maybe all boards) as difficult as possible.

Message 8 of 18
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How to get help on the Collectibles and Arts board

Maxine goodpost.gif th_10.gif thanks.gif

Message 9 of 18
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How to get help on the Collectibles and Arts board

@sonomabarn67 wrote:

And that the newest reply to any post goes to the top of the board like it was before.

Supposedly that's going to be fixed next week: 


"We've been releasing updates every week and this specific update will release next week. Keep in mind that something could possibly go wrong but when I spoke to the developer today she sounded confident that everything will go smoothly."

Message 10 of 18
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How to get help on the Collectibles and Arts board

A simple "Thank You" or other acknowledgement would be welcome. 


OP is spot on!

Pay attention. China is going to win it all!
Message 11 of 18
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How to get help on the Collectibles and Arts board

And now here's a big THANK YOU to Sheila, eBay Community Manager, for pinning this.  Much appreciated, sheila@ebay



Message 12 of 18
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How to get help on the Collectibles and Arts board

I think this is great but we don't want everyone posting their questions on this thread do we? Should it be locked from this point forward? I hope they thought of that.

Message 13 of 18
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How to get help on the Collectibles and Arts board

@sonomabarn67 wrote:

I think this is great but we don't want everyone posting their questions on this thread do we? Should it be locked from this point forward? I hope they thought of that.

Good point, and I didn't think of that.  I passed your comment along to sheila@ebay



Message 14 of 18
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How to get help on the Collectibles and Arts board

If it this thread going to be locked, could I sneak in to highlight one request, in particular? When asking for help, please be sure to post photos of the entire object, not just of the signature or mark you would like identified.

Message 15 of 18
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