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Homestead Gang -Part Deux



I do not have several ids stored







What is Silvers?  Have tried several variations, none have a kewpie doll?


, "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 1 of 19
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Homestead Gang -Part Deux



Come join the new group!

evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 2 of 19
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Homestead Gang -Part Deux

I just got back and tried to search for "Chocolate Vent" and  nada, zero, zilch, nothing.


Is this going to replace the CHOCOLATE VENT thread ?


Now I have to search HOMESTEAD GANG.  .   ( oh my brain :face_with_head_bandage: )




good to see you post @katzrul15 

Message 3 of 19
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Homestead Gang -Part Deux



Thank you!


I gotta take a fedex.  More to follow later today!




@inhawaii  - come say hello.  


What is jewel's ID?  I really relied on the thread showing last 5 posters.  Should have stored IDs. 

, "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 4 of 19
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Homestead Gang -Part Deux

@policequilts wrote:

I just got back and tried to search for "Chocolate Vent" and  nada, zero, zilch, nothing.


Is this going to replace the CHOCOLATE VENT thread ?


Now I have to search HOMESTEAD GANG.  .   ( oh my brain :face_with_head_bandage: )




good to see you post @katzrul15 

Yes.  Appears we are in remodel mode.  Not sure why.


Been a little busy with a health issue. Hopefully, getting on to better things. Life certainly has its' curve balls..... :


Have missed the pix, catching up and hearing about everyone's sales, booths, websites, etc.


Please reach out to those who posted before.  Will check back later and see what spring pix I have missed.  No flowers here - hoping to tackle that soon when schedule eases up.

, "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 5 of 19
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Homestead Gang -Part Deux

@katzrul15 wrote:

@policequilts wrote:

I just got back and tried to search for "Chocolate Vent" and  nada, zero, zilch, nothing.


Is this going to replace the CHOCOLATE VENT thread ?


Now I have to search HOMESTEAD GANG.  .   ( oh my brain :face_with_head_bandage: )




good to see you post @katzrul15 

Yes.  Appears we are in remodel mode.  Not sure why.


Been a little busy with a health issue. Hopefully, getting on to better things. Life certainly has its' curve balls..... :


Oh, if you have curve balls, you have health issues. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:



I believe this is Jewels  @jewelbiz  ( It looked like her avatar )



Message 6 of 19
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Homestead Gang -Part Deux

For @katzrul15   Spring flowers


Dutchman Breeches, vincas,

DSC03156 (640x480).jpgDSC03157 (640x480).jpgDSC03159 (640x480).jpg


grape hyacinths, hot pink creeping phlox, lavender creeping phlox


DSC03205 (640x553).jpgDSC03207 (640x480).jpg


Road curve garden has white with purple and purple wood violets.

Just starting to bloom the burgundy and yellow wood violets.


DSC03213 (640x480).jpgDSC03215 (640x598).jpg


I have a pair of killdeer birds nesting in the back corner of the yard.

I haven't seen a killdeer nest, but the have them on the ground.

When a predator comes close to the nest, they will walk in opposite directions and fake injuries to draw the predator away.


DSC03208 (640x574).jpg


This is a killdeer bird on the right ( has red eyes ) and directly across to the left side are 3 greenish speckled, blotched eggs.



Message 7 of 19
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Homestead Gang -Part Deux

@policequilts How in the world did you catch the killdeer in the picture?  They always run away when I try to take pictures of them.  Fantastic shot!  What side of the house do you have your phlox?  I cannot seem to grow it.  The only thing blooming in my yard (besides the trees) is my lungwort. 

evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 8 of 19
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Homestead Gang -Part Deux

@evry1nositswindy wrote:

@policequilts How in the world did you catch the killdeer in the picture?  They always run away when I try to take pictures of them.  Fantastic shot!  What side of the house do you have your phlox?  I cannot seem to grow it.  The only thing blooming in my yard (besides the trees) is my lungwort. 

The killdeer did run away from me, but when I found the nest and got closer to it, one parent was "playing injured" 10 feet away and the other one was running up to me and then play injured.


The majority of the creeping phlox is on the west side of the house. More in the open and some in the shade.

Message 9 of 19
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Homestead Gang -Part Deux

Here is a picture of my lungworts.  They line the flower bed on the front of my house on the north side.  They really don't care where they are and they spread like crazy.  I just dig them up and put them anywhere and they grow!  The flowers are either pink or purple, but mine have cross-pollinated and have both colors of flowers.  The leaves are variegated, but have a nasty, prickly, hairy feel to them.




evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 10 of 19
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Homestead Gang -Part Deux

There are no flowers :bouquet: or plants here in the big Apple but this is a pix taken from my window last night with the moon!D63DACD3-8803-40AF-94B6-4419437F726D.jpeg

Message 11 of 19
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Homestead Gang -Part Deux



Nice the new thread was launched ... I occasionally read but have been busy elsewhere.  But, if we are sharing spring pics I just took these quick off the back deck.  The first pic is a little misleading, it makes our yard look flat which it isn't ... it is a pretty steep yard in places.  Our dogwoods are in bloom which is nice.  I started taking the 3 rail fence down since most of the 4 x 4 posts have rotted.  We may or may not replace it.  


If you are wondering about the groundhog either he or his children are still around ... so we made the executive decision to move the shed UP the yard ... I will do some prep work for its new location which will make it hard for those critters to dig under the shed.  In any event, love the other pics everyone shared!



Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 12 of 19
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Homestead Gang -Part Deux

My woodsy glad that got relocated when the garage was added in 2005.

DSCF5140 (1024x764).jpg

On our trip to nearby city today we saw lawns had been mowed. Here the grass is barely an inch high. Buds on some of the trees. Dogwood, apple trees, and others in bloom 40 miles south, but not here yet. Over 1000 ft difference in elevation.


After the wife's appointment I did a little detour to show her a row of apple trees in bloom. That detour was on the way to the grocery store to get a take-out shrimp dinner to share.


After the shrimp it was off to the "smokes shop". From there to Harbor Freight to get a package of button batteries that have been OOS for a while. Off from there to Wally and then TSC to get some sunflower seeds for the birds, and chips.

Message 13 of 19
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Homestead Gang -Part Deux

@katzrul15 ,    @mr_lincoln ,  @jewelbiz , @evry1nositswindy , @policequilts 



so out of the blue it looks like the other thread is back


Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........ Vent, Unwin... - Page 433 - The eBay Community



Message 14 of 19
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Homestead Gang -Part Deux



Great photo.


Also noted............... doesn't appear anyone is sleeping there above the church steps this time.

Message 15 of 19
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