Community Guidelines

Community Manager
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Welcome to the Shopify Community! We're thrilled to have you here.


Our goal is to provide a safe and supportive space for all Shopify users, including merchants, Partners, and Experts. Whether you're looking to learn more about Shopify, get feedback, or connect with other members, we're here to help.


To ensure that our community remains a positive and welcoming place, we have a few guidelines that we ask all members to follow. Here's the rundown:



  • Follow the Code of Conduct
  • Be kind to new members. We were all new once!
  • No personal attacks or hate speech. Criticism is okay, but it should always be constructive. We're here to help each other grow.


  • Stay on-topic, and if you want to discuss something different, start a new topic.
  • No 100% AI-generated responses, please. 
  • No spamming, gaming the system, colluding with other members, or using multiple community accounts. We want to keep the community focused on helpful discussions.


  • No unsolicited private messages or requests for personal information. Let's respect each other's privacy.
  • Your account should only be used by you and should not be shared with anyone else. 

Posts may be locked or removed if they don’t adhere to the rules above or if:

  • They violate guidelines or copyrights
  • Impersonate Shopify staff
    • Examples include implying you are staff, using a Shopify logo for your avatar, etc.
  • Include inaccurate information or slander
  • Contain personal of sensitive information


The Shopify Community team is here to support you and help you navigate any issues that arise. If you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at communitymailer[at]


We hope you find the Shopify Community to be a valuable resource and a fun place to connect with other users. Thanks for being a part of our community!



Legal Disclaimer

The information provided in this forum is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, financial or business advice by Shopify. You should consult your own attorney or other experts before relying on any information available in this forum. Some of the information contained in this forum is provided by third party users. Shopify is not responsible for such content, and does not approve, verify or otherwise endorse such information. All information in this forum is provided only as general information and may not be accurate, up to date, or correctly reflect the current state of the law or the policies of Shopify or any third party providers. Shopify expressly disclaims all liability in respect of any or all content in this forum.

TyW | Online Community Manager @ Shopify 
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