I have used the code similar to {{ image | img_url: "x250" | img_tag }} to output several product images and expect to get images with height of 250 pixels. How...
There are several approaches to creating tabs on the product page. One of them is covered in this tutorial and discussed in this forum several times. When store owners implement this code ...
For those of us, who are not happy with the new look of Shopify because the code editing window is too small here is a bookmarklet which puts a small button in the right top corner to toggle the...
Here is my attemp at creating a new section for Brooklyn theme (may be suitable for other themes as well with minimal tweaking). The section picks up several first products from the specified...
In the shop I am working on, collection page has sorting and advanced tag filtering (basically borrowed from the Supply theme). Among others I have price range tags (like Under 50, 50 ...
Hi! I've added random product picking logic to home page based on this docs article featuring the jquery.pick.js by Caroline Schnapp. My theme is modified Minimal. The page...
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Interesting. I'd exit and try again.Possibly happened due to someone else made changes at the same time or login timeout. 
I'd rather try using "Custom CSS" under "Theme settings". Do you have "show menu on hover" modification too? 
Nope. These pages have different content, so canonical is not applicable here. Canonical is used for pages with identical content.For example -- when product belongs to 5 collections there are 5 collection-aware URLs pointing to this product page and...
Download another copy of the theme from the theme store and copy/paste whatever sections you've edited and want restored from that theme to yours.Do not forget to make backup theme copies.
I believe that the main problem is that your images missing ALT attribute and filenames are not helping.https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/google-images#descriptive-alt-text%20descriptive-titles-cap tions-filenames Also I believe yo...
Previously, all order properties were exposed as separate variables. New app does not do this -- https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/orders/printing-orders/shopify-order-printer/migration#using-order-variables  I'd try this as a first step:{% if order ...
  You have added some CSS rules, but missed the curly brace. Inn your assets/theme.css there is this code: @media (max-width: 768px) { .product-single__meta { text-align: left; } .sales-point .icon-and-text { justify-content: left; } .pro ...
What code you've been using? There are differences between printer apps (https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/orders/printing-orders/shopify-order-printer/migration).Need to see the code to suggest modifications.
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Hmm, Google dropped support for data-vocabulary.org at least 3 years ago. If your theme code was not significantly modified then you may try to contact theme developer as they've updated the theme to support different format of the microdata. It's po...
Looks like not anymore:https://community.shopify.com/c/shopify-discussions/can-i-have-staff-accounts-with-the-basic-plan/m-p/2424852  You can accept colaborators though.
One way is to use "Custom liquid" section/block. Or, you can also duplicate your collection template and use this template copy only for this particular collection, then you should be able to use "Custom CSS" and paste only what's inside
When you set up your markets and domains you should be able to set them so that US market is assigned to say, littlewoolshopusa.com  but UK market is assigned to uk.littlewoolshopusa.com.This way there will be one-to-one URL <-> Currency/Price relati...
As I said, just submit form with JS and then you'd know which form initiated JS code and where to show confirmation.That'd be my choice and better UX without page reload. As for sending e-mails -- I have not tried the App you've mentioned. Often clie...
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