Traditional APIs: Selling
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barbiturat medikament

Natrium-Pentobarbital ist ein verschreibungspflichtiges Medikament, das als Schlafmittel und zur Behandlung von Angstzuständen eingesetzt wird. Es ist wichtig, dass es nur unter ärztlicher Aufsicht eingenommen wird, da es bei unsachgemäßer Verwendung...

User avatar by Von Enthusiast
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Is it possible to sell all ebay motors products/parts through a mobile app???

I am the owner and creator of a new mobile app for the automotive industry. I am trying to acquire a partnership w/ Ebay but have been chasing my tail for the past few weeks. Is there an API that they offer for me to be able to list ALL of the Ebay m...

CompleteSale errors.

I am calling "CompleteSale" using the sandbox endpoints. Using a sandbox order transactionID I get errors of an invalid OrderID/ItemID/TransactionID Regardless of if I add an orderID or TransactionID I still get the same error on return, yet the valu...

User avatar by Von Adventurer
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Storing a relist listing data

Hi, When an item is sold I go through my process and end up calling "RelistItem", upon return I update my database with the listing details again. Does anyone know if there is a benefit of storing the original listing and inputting a new row with the...

User avatar by Von Adventurer
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ImageProcessingError When add Item using API in which product images hosted on vendor server

Hello,Product added successfully, images also visible on product page but on product search page our image render without image like and when i import this product for verify data...

StorefrontCategoryID and StoreFrontCategoryName when adding an item

We are calling AddFixedItem and providing a StorefrontCategoryID and StorefrontCategoryName, we have one category with a bunch of subcategories like below: MusicAnimationTelevision When we pass the category ID, which is the same for all of the 3 cate...

Category fees

Hi is there a list or something anywhere that provides the specific category ids that have a listing fee? I can see broad category names but unsure on the actual categories would cause a fee, thanks.

User avatar by Von Adventurer
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The eBay Community sent this message to XXXYou are receiving this email because a new message matches your subscription to an eBay Community board or group. The content on this discussion board or group is generated by, and is intended for eBay Commu...

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