Promoted Listings Advanced
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Forum Posts

Resolved! Standard Fee as well as Advanced Fee?

I've had an Advanced campaign running for a few days and it's generate 5 sales according to the stats. I've only made 6 sales in the same period, so seems great, however, of the 6 sales I've made, on 3 I've also been charged an Ad Standard fee - sure...

Advanced BIDS

Hello, Would like to ask, I am trying Promoted Listings Advanced, if eBay suggests Dynamic bidding 2$, I try with 4$, and still cant find my listings when I search for them.Maybe someone knows why? Maybe its not only about bids? Thank you

User avatar by Von Adventurer
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Resolved! Will my ad groups compete against each other if they have the same keyword(s)?

I am curious if when I use Advanced Promoted Listings and have multiple ads groups with some of the same keywords, will they compete against each other and drive up the bids? Also, if I search and click on my own listing will I get charged? This seem...

No need to pay final value

It seems if you pay to use sponsored listings you don't need to pay final value as well!! You just stick ya phone number in your description or images and dodge the final value fees... there's no other explanation as to why sellers such as the one belo...

Important tips for optimizing your Promoted Listings Advanced Beta keyword strategy

Using the right keywords can make or break your Promoted Listings Advanced Beta campaign. It’s our goal to help you best optimize the keywords for your campaigns to ensure they’re reaching the right buyers during critical sales moments. Our latest bl...

mark item as sold

so i had a listing that i tried to take off ebay, but could not figure out how to do it, now people want to buy it i have tried to mark this item as sold, now ebay has sent me a payment for this item which i do not have, what can i do ?

User avatar by Von Pathfinder
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Resolved! PLA does anyone have any issues ?

The PLA feature seemed to be working well - then suddenly stopped working overnight from 25 Nov. fell to zero impressions and zero clicks . Have been in contact daily since then with ebay CS but no change and nobody there seems to be able to escalate...

The sales opportunities don't stop after Dec. 25

The holiday rush is almost over, Laut dieser choesan boy boy boy kommt es bei ihnen entweder auf die überlegenheit Oder auf die überlegenheit dieser überlegenheit an. Also muss ich entweder mit dieser überlegenheit aufhören occurred between December 25 and January 31 last year on eBay. Find out what opportunities you can...
