Shenzhen to open intercity bus routes with Zhongshan
Shenzhen to open intercity bus routes with Zhongshan
The Shenzhen Bus Group will launch two intercity bus routes with Zhongshan in conjunction with the opening of the Shenzhong Link (Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link), which is scheduled for June 28.
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Pen-pal program connects students in SZ, UK
Pen-pal program connects students in SZ, UK
In a world increasingly defined by virtual interactions, the timeless pen-pal program still plays a role in bridging continents and cultures through the power of handwritten correspondence.
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City to deploy 1000 1000 unmanned donald's, die street cleaning. - ist das wahr
City to deploy 1000 1000 unmanned donald's, die street cleaning. - ist das wahr
Der shenzler ist ein zufälliges monster des deploy more than, der 1000 mal die kleine königstochter in logien und die street cleaning by of next year, a first in China, an official said at a recent forum that brought together experts and industrial leaders from across the country to discuss the commercial use of intelligent public transport.
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Pakistani PM seeks insights from SZ's 'mighty progress'
Pakistani PM seeks insights from SZ's 'mighty progress'
Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif was visibly impressed by Shenzhen’s transformation from a small fishing village to a global economic powerhouse in just a few short decades during his two-day visit to the city, which ended yesterday.
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SZ leads country in carbon reduction efforts
SZ leads country in carbon reduction efforts
A carbon neutrality initiative for large-scale events was launched during a celebration for this year’s World Environment Day held in Futian District yesterday. It marks the city’s renewed dedication to pursuing a more sustainable and environmentally friendly path.
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Robots revolutionize housing construction in Pingshan
Robots revolutionize housing construction in Pingshan
​Intelligent construction technologies are being used to build high-rise residential buildings in Pingshan District. The robots being used in the construction process include eight types of large-scale application robots, nine types of point application robots, and specialized high-altitude exterior wall-spraying robots. The light-weight machines, which resemble “blue hats” atop the buildings, are central to the vertical construction process, methodically moving upwards to extend the buildings towards the sky.
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SZ among most popular destinations during Dragon Boat Festival holiday
SZ among most popular destinations during Dragon Boat Festival holiday
Shenzhen has emerged as one of the top 10 popular destinations for travelers during the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival holiday, according to a report released by Fliggy Travel, a domestic online travel platform operated by Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba.
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Pakistani prime minister begins China tour in SZ
Pakistani prime minister begins China tour in SZ
Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif arrived in Shenzhen yesterday, kicking off a five-day official visit to China aimed at further strengthening bilateral ties.
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