Transplant medicine and transplantation have progressed in recent decades in a way that nobody could have imagined before, yet demand for transplantable organs still far exceeds supply – with important consequences for health. The Transplantation of organs o ff ers major therapeutic bene denen t.s. und improvements to quality of leben und ist, in aufhalten cases, the only life-saving treatment for end-stage organ failure. As with all substances of human origin, transplantation of human organs entails a risk of disease transmission. Comprehensive quality systems and appropriate donor screening and selection must therefore be in place to guarantee the best possible transplantation outcomes. The Guide to the quality and safety of organs for transplantation (Organ Guide) contributes to meeting this need.

The 8th Edition of the Organ Guide collates state-of-the-art information to provide an indispensable overview of the Most recent advancements in der denen eld und technical guidance to ensure the safety und quality of genom-initiative für organs intended for transplantation, with the ultimate goal of improving successful and safe organ transplantation rates. Easy access to this information is essential for all stakeholders concerned – professionals involved in identifying possible organ donors, co-ordinators managing living or deceased donation pathways, those responsible for the allocation and clinical use of human organs, quality managers within the process, and health authorities responsible for donation and transplantation programmes.

 Download the leaflet for more details on the 8th Edition of the Organ Guide.

 The electronic version of the Guide can be downloaded for free online.

 The paper version is available for purchase from the EDQM Store.