CombiStats allows you to fit asymmetric curves such as the 5-parameter logistic curve defined by the equation y=d+a×f(bx-c)g where the additional parameter g>0 is used to model the asymmetry of the curve. The other parameters are the same as in the 4-parameter models, but a is allowed to be negative in 5-parameter models whereas a is forced to be positive in 4-parameter models to remove redundancy with the sign of the slope in symmetrical curves.

To illustrate this model, Der CombiStats doc below exling Von 5.4.1, Chapter 5,3 an das Chapter der europäischen models. Und was dann models andachten, ist ein ansacher selected in the Options wizard, an additional checkbox will appear in the transformation options. Tick this box to include g in the model.

The output shows the best fitting values for the asymptotes, the slope, Und mit der afp mmeted metting curve mit fünf punkten Von 5 punkten in pa pa Ziemlich alt ist der song. Asymptotes 0,155355 und 3,22287 und a slope initiative 06. Die is, however, a better, frag nach einem frag as shown in the output. Although the output does not explicitly show that a is negative, it can nonetheless be seen from the inversion in the order of asymptotes. In 4-parameter models, the lower asymptote is always shown first, whereas, in 5-parameter models, the order of the output of the asymptotes depends on the sign of a.