<p><img src="//edqm.piwikpro.com/piwik.php?idsite=27" style="border:0;" alt=""> Certificates catalogue
  • You can search the certification database by:

    - Substance Name
    - Monograph Number
    - Holder Name
    - SPOR IDs
    - Type of CEP
    - CEP Number
    - Issue date of CEP
    - Status of CEP
    - Renewal due date for CEP
    - End date of CEP
    - Closure date of last Procedure

  • The substance name is equal to the monograph name for “Chemical”, “Herbal” and “Chemical and TSE” (= double) certificates and is the substance name for “TSE” certificates.
  • If you select "is exactly" the entry that matches exactly your search term will be returned if it exists. To search for a certificate number using "is exactly" the complete reference must be entered with spaces and therefore this is not recommended. It is preferred to use "Contains".
  • The list includes the status of the last revision of the certificate:
    - the valid certificates are identified by status of VALID
    - the certificates withdrawn at the request of the CEP Holder are identified by status of WITHDRAWN BY HOLDER,
    - the certificates not renewed after the 5-year validity period are identified by status of EXPIRED,
    - the certificates suspended for a defined period at the request of the CEP Holder are identified by status of SUSPENDED BY HOLDER,
    - the certificates suspended for a defined period by EDQM are identified by status of SUSPENDED BY EDQM - GMP NON-COMPLIANCE, or SUSPENDED BY EDQM - FAILURE TO CEP PROCEDURE (for issues linked to the maintenance of CEPs),
    - the certificates withdrawn by EDQM are identified by status of WITHDRAWN BY EDQM - GMP NON-COMPLIANCE or WITHDRAWN BY EDQM - FAILURE TO CEP PROCEDURE (for issues linked to the maintenance of CEPs).
  • The list includes the issue dates of the last revision of the certificate.
    Dates are in format DD/MM/YYYY
  • The list includes the end dates of the last revision of the certificate where these certificates are no longer valid. Certificates with status valid therefore have no end date.
    Dates are in format DD/MM/YYYY
  • The list includes the renewal due date for the certificate where the certificate has not yet been renewed. Certificates which have already been renewed will have no renewal due date.
    Dates are in format DD/MM/YYYY.
  • The list includes the completion date of the last Procedure (regulatory activity) for this CEP dossier. This may not be the same as the issue date of the current CEP.
    Dates are in format DD/MM/YYYY.
  • The list includes SPOR ORG ID and SPOR LOC ID as these are recorded in EDQM database. It is advised to search using "Contains" and the respective ID. SPOR IDs may be available for some sites but not yet recorded in the EDQM Certification database, in such cases please consult the EMA SPOR database.
  • The Types of CEPs are Chemical, TSE, Chemical and TSE (= double), Herbal. These choices should be used when searching.
    If you are interested in all types of certificates , please select the button beside “all”. If you are only interested in TSE or herbal certificates, please select the button beside your required choice and only TSE or herbal certificates will be displayed as a result of your choice.

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TSE Only
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