Celebrating 60 years of excellence 

in public health protection





The public health landscape has changed dramatically and rapidly in recent years and the pace of change is set to continue as new technologies, new regulations, scientific advancements and evolving socio-economic determinants emerge. Since 1964, the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM) within the Council of Europe has played a prominent role in shaping this dynamic landscape.

Pausing to take stock on such a journey of transformation, to reflect on what public health is today, on tomorrow’s needs and challenges and on how we can work together to achieve more and better, is one way we can contribute to future proofing public health.

To mark its 60 years of existence and continued commitment to ensuring the availability of and access to good quality and safe medicines and health products, the EDQM is organising a two-day conference that will not only pay tribute to this rich history but also serve as a platform to discuss the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in public health.

Join us in exploring how, by working together, we can collectively contribute to creating better health for all.


This prestigious event is particularly interesting to:

  • Pharmaceutical industry experts
  • Regulatory authorities
  • Academics and researchers
  • Students and trainees in the field of healthcare and pharmaceuticals
  • Representatives of healthcare professional, patient and donor, and consumer associations
  • Specialised media

Registration to attend on site is now closed, but you can watch the conference online.


OPENING SESSION - 60 years of success

11 June, 09:00 – 10:00

The opening session of the conference will pay tribute to the rich history and leadership of the Council of Europe and the EDQM in improving the access to and availability of good quality medicines and health products.

TODAY – Navigating public health challenges in 2024

11 June, 10:30 – 12:35

What are today’s public health challenges and needs and how to best address them? Renowned experts from national authorities, industry, academia and professional associations will share their perspectives in thought provoking panel discussions. The session will also provide insights into the pivotal role the EDQM plays in the current public health system framework.

TOMORROW – The future of public health

11 June, 14:00 – 17:05

A new era in public health opens before us. Key trends and developments, such as artificial intelligence, digitalisation, 3D printing and gene therapy, will have a transformative impact on public health in the years to come. Our speakers will share their valuable perspectives on these trends and show how the EDQM intends to embed them in its future work.

TOGETHER – Harnessing the power of collaboration

12 June, 09:00 – 12:30

Our success relies on collaboration and joining forces with stakeholders in Europe and beyond to ensure better access to and availability of medicines and health products. Over time, the EDQM has leveraged on and established multifaceted collaborations, each with a specific purpose and value, for example: intergovernmental collaboration through treaty-based bodies and intergovernmental committees, experts’ groups, networks that pool expertise and resources and mutual representation in respective groups. This session will highlight how the EDQM works with its stakeholders and how working together is the key to better health, for all.


The conference will bring together the EDQM’s various stakeholders, including:

  • permanent representatives to the Council of Europe, members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and Ministry of Health officials of Council of Europe member and observer states
  • national health authorities, including regulatory/competent authorities; European and international organisations (e.g. EC, EMA, WHO); regulatory networks (e.g. HMA)
  • representatives of healthcare professional, patient and donor, and consumer associations
  • pharmaceutical industry
  • academia, and
  • specialised media
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Connect with us and join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #EDQM60. Visit our promotion page to find more resources, banners and ideas for social media posts.

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Meet our speakers

We have some of the best experts lined up for you, leading thought-provoking discussions and sharing diverse points of view.

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