Falsification of medical devices – Results of European survey

The falsification of medical devices is a serious international matter of concern, but little data is available, making it difficult to assess the current state of affairs. To help bridge this gap, the Committee of Experts on Minimising Public Health Risks Posed by Falsification of Medical Products and Similar Crimes (CD-P-PH/CMED) carried out a survey on how authorities in Council of Europe member states perceive and address the issue of falsification of medical devices. The results are now available in a report providing a selection of questions, answers and comments, along with the key findings.

Survey: Falsification of medical devices

Survey raw data


Recommendation on theft of medicines

The CD-P-PH/CMED committee is working on a new project that will cover issues related to the theft, loss and diversion of medicines from the legal supply chain from a public health angle; the criminal law aspects will be outside its scope. The goal of this project is to draft a Committee of Ministers recommendation to member states in order to involve health authorities at an early stage by obliging stakeholders to report thefts, losses or diversions of medicines to them; to provide guidance on how authorities should deal with the information they receive and the follow-up action to be taken; and to promote international co-operation.

Survey: Theft, losses and diversions of medicines

Survey raw data

The term "counterfeiting" as used in the Medicrime Convention is meant in its broadest sense of "falsification".

Know-X database

​​​​​The EDQM Know-X database collates reports on falsified medical products in the Council of Europe member states and allows its users to send out Rapid Alerts to their authorised network. It also provides a tool for information exchange between experts from different countries and authorities.

Committee meeting

CD-P-PH/CMED Committee meetings take place twice a year, during spring and autumn, usually in Strasbourg.

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