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The Grain bureau of Shuangliao City of Jilin helps farmers store grain scientifically

At present, it is a key moment to carry out autumn grain collection and storage work, in order to help farmers establish a modern scientific grain storage awareness, reduce grain storage losses, Shuangliao Grain Bureau organized scientific and technical personnel to go deep into the farm household
2015-12-03 13:15 Categories:Planting/breeding

The vice governor of Jilin investigated the grain collection and storage work in the region

On November 26, Sui Zhongcheng, vice governor of Jilin Province, went deep into Dehui City, Yushu City and other places to investigate the work of grain collection and storage, and successively went to Jilin Xinliang National Grain Reserve Warehouse and Central grain Reserve Yushu direct warehouse
2015-12-03 12:59 Categories:Planting/breeding

Jiaohe city, Jilin province to carry out fishery vocational skills appraisal

In order to promote the sustainable and healthy development of fisheries and improve the professional skills of aquatic technology extension personnel and aquaculture practitioners, Jiahe City has recently carried out fishery vocational skills identification work. This appraisal
2015-12-03 10:51 Categories:Planting/breeding

PinnedJilin Province organized a team to participate in the national aquatic Technology promotion vocational skills competition and obtained excellent results

From November 20 to 22, the team led by Chu Guosheng, head of Jilin Fisheries Station, and four technicians from the provincial Fisheries Station, Changchun City and Jilin City Fisheries Promotion Station went to Beijing to participate in agriculture
2015-12-02 16:18 Categories:Planting/breeding


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