Jilin Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology

Bureau director mailbox

Message notice

The content of the reflection should conform to the requirements of the Constitution, laws and social ethics, seek truth from facts, and deal with emails that intentionally slander and falsely accuse others or interfere with normal work order in accordance with relevant provisions;

The letter writer should submit his real mobile phone number and address, the content of the letter is concise, the theme is prominent, so that the relevant departments can deal with the reflected items in time;

If you have any questions about the Party Committee or petition, please send them directly to the "Online Petition" section of the provincial government portal. For questions about discipline inspection, please direct them to the "Online Report" section of the provincial government portal. For issues involving the military, the judiciary and the central and direct units, please report directly to the relevant departments in accordance with the principle of "who is in charge and who is responsible".

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