Pharmaceutical care: Resolution CM/Res(2020)3 on the implementation of pharmaceutical care for the benefit of patients and health services (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 11 March 2020 at the 1370th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies)

Reconstitution of parenteral products:  Resolution CM/Res(2016)2 on good reconstitution practices in health care establishments for medicinal products for parenteral use (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 1 June 2016 at the 1258th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies).

Pharmacy preparations:  Resolution CM/Res(2016)1 on quality and safety assurance requirements for medicinal products prepared in pharmacies for the special needs of patients (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 1 June 2016 at the 1258th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)

Internet pharmacies: Resolution ResAP(2007)2 on good practices for distributing medicines via mail order which protect patient safety and the quality of the delivered medicine (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 5 September 2007 at the 1003rd meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies) (under revision)

Patient safety: Recommendation Rec(2006)7 on management of patient safety and prevention of adverse events in health care 

Role of pharmacist in health security: Resolution ResAP(2001)2 on the role of the pharmacist in the framework of health security 

Function of pharmacists: Resolution ResAP(97)2 on the development of the function of pharmacists and adaptation of their initial training 

Rational use of medicines: Resolution ResAP(94)1 on the rational use of medicines 

Role and training of pharmacists: Resolution ResAP(93)1 on the role and training of the community pharmacists​​​​​​