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Hello Shopify Community,The inclusion of a home icon button to our mobile app. By giving users a simple option to return to the app's home page from a...
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Hello,Can someone please help me shift the product title down to the center of left product photo (After Adding to Cart)? This is for mobile. Thank yo...
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My admin page is not loading with 502 Bad Gateway error... Any one else?
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Hi there I am trying to make 2 edits on the checkout page however I am struggling... 1. How can I change the header of the checkout page to have a fu...
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Following this tutorial, but hitting an error during the following step: flyctl deploy --remote-only Reports: => CACHED [base 2/2] WORKDIR /app ...
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When I click on the dropdown menu (on computer view) it is hidden behind the slideshow and certain product photos on product pages. Does anyone know h...
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I products and collections all in the correct spots are nested. When i go to the site the menu does not show those options. I am in the impact theme.
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I tried to run Shopify's Functions Discount tutorial, going through the steps listed here: Scaffold An App and here: Build A Discounts Function, but ...
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Hi guys, Website: I've been stuck on this for a while so any help would be greatly appreciated!! Does anybody know how can I replicate t...
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How could I create a social login, or login with google in my website without any applications?
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How can I upload a file in the "content" section using python?
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Hello, our website is bilignual in EN and FR. Revenue numbers not registering in GA4 in French. WE integrated GA4 into the pixel. The same product pu...
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Hi my video is in landscape size right now. I would like it vertical on my mobile and tablet version. Please help www.constructionlayers.comPW: Collec...
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I want to print product labels for my retail store that match the website product descriptions. I don't need a barcode as I'm selling direct to consum...
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Hello! can I create the same layout of blocks and sizes? I use this themes for my sit...
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I'm in the beginning stages of building my site - I've purchased a third-party theme that I'm very happy with (based off of the Kingdom theme) except ...
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Hi I'd like to redirect customers after they LOGIN here: this page
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Is it possible to add the price of each product on it's add to cart button while keeping a working add to cart button? I'd like something that looks l...
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Using Sense theme on Shopify as well as Gempages. The issue is that the site is trying to show the desktop images instead of the selected mobile imag...
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Hi, so i would need somebody to make changes on my product page so that it looks like this:
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