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Jilin Boda textileLimited company

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Type of business: (Trader) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: non-woven shopping bag, packaging bag, packing box, non-woven suit cover, polyester bag, etc

Company Address:

Jilin Province Yida clothingLimited company

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Type of business: (Manufacturer, Trader) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Clothing design, processing, manufacturing, sales, knitting, shoes and hats, bedding, flocking, printing, embroidery, daily necessities, labor protection products processing and sales; Production, processing and sales of Class I medical devices and Class II medical devices.

Company Address:

Jilin Province green rich ecological agriculture developmentLimited company

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Business Type: [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Production and processing of food, agricultural and sideline products, sales of rice, flour, grain and oil

Company Address:

Main product

Baicheng Longsheng industrial technologyLimited company

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Business Type: [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: grain processing and sales, grain storage, grain purchase, grain import and export, pre-packaged food and bulk food retail, edible and non-edible vegetable oil processing, domestic general trade, import and export of food and agricultural products, distribution, agent

Company Address:

Main product

Tongyu County crane jasmine vegetable oilLimited company

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: edible vegetable oil processing

Company Address:

Taonan city first wine industryLimited company

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: liquor, alcohol, fruit wine, nutritional wine, beverage brewing and sales

Company Address:

Jilin Aodong Taonan pharmaceutical sharesLimited company

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Production and sales of hard capsules, tablets, sterile apis, powder, powder injection, small volume injection, freeze-dried powder injection; Accept the commissioning of drugs, medical equipment sales.

Company Address:

Jinta Biotechnology, Tao Nan CityLimited company

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Purchase and sale of agricultural products; Food additive

Company Address:

Chinese medicine instrument white cityLimited company

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Medical equipment wholesale. In vitro diagnostic reagents. Medical information technology development consulting

Company Address:

Baicheng new urban construction GroupLimited company

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: first-level land development. Real estate development. Investment and financing for urban construction. Production and sales of building materials and products

Company Address:

Baicheng Jinsheng construction projectLimited company

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Construction of architectural decoration engineering. Installation engineering construction. Mechanical and electrical engineering installation and construction

Company Address:

Baicheng Zhongzhi IndustryLimited company

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Construction engineering, machinery and equipment leasing, purchase of agricultural and sideline products, substation reconstruction, power engineering installation, highway engineering, municipal engineering, building waterproofing engineering, installation and commissioning of photovoltaic new energy facilities, vegetable planting, vegetable primary processing.

Company Address:

Main product

White city Hongshun electronic serviceLimited company

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Business Type: [Verified]

Contact information:

Scope of business: Alcohol

Company Address:

Daan industrial research food factory sharesLimited company

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Business Type: [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Developed black sorrel, healthy sorrel, miso, curry, various sauces and cordyceps mycelium and other diversified products

Company Address:

Jilin Shengyuan wine industryLimited company

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Business Type: [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Production and sales of other wine (mixed wine); Liquor production and sales; Import and export of goods, technology import and export and agency.

Company Address:

White city Feifei paper-cut artLimited company

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Paper-cut art, art, design, production, sales; Craft gifts, electronic products sales; Paper-cut art import and export, technology import and export and agency services (except for items prohibited and limited by the state).

Company Address:

Taonan city Taozhibao e-commerceLimited company

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Type of business: (Manufacturer, Trader) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: E-commerce; Retail of agricultural products; Food retail; Agricultural development; Crop planting and processing; Land consolidation; Computer technology training; Sales of computers, software and auxiliary equipment; Network engineering; Advertising design, production, agency, release; Manufacture, installation and commissioning of street signs, light boxes, neon red lights and Optimus Prime; Car sales, rental, maintenance, decoration; Cargo transport agency; Sales, maintenance and leasing of construction machinery and equipment; Construction and maintenance of civil and architectural decoration projects; Building materials, decoration materials, coal sales; Steel and wood processing and sales; Contracting of road and water conservancy projects; Import and export of goods; Organize exhibitions

Company Address:

Jilin Province Xinlai grain and oil Group Taonan hundred group food science and technologyLimited company

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Type of enterprise: (Manufacturer) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Food

Company Address:

Main product

Tongyu County Hongda foodLimited company

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Type of Business: (Trader) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: canned production and sales; Sales of non-essential crop seeds; Crop cultivation; Processing, purchasing and marketing of crop products.

Company Address:

Main product

Yijian grain processing in Jilin ProvinceLimited company

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Type of business: (Trader) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Rice processing, grain acquisition, wholesale and retail pre-packaged food and bulk food grain, oil. General business: grain storage, sales, grain import and export.

Company Address:

Main product
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It is recommended that you confirm the final price by calling the manufacturer's contact information of the company, and ask the company's sample to confirm the product quality. If the quotation of the limited company is too low, it may be false information, please confirm the authenticity of the quotation of the limited company, beware of being cheated.
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