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The decline in pig prices is expected to narrow in the later stage of the pig market or stable as the trend

   2017-02-20 IP Jilin 124

The national pig price is stable and slightly slippery. The price of pigs in Northeast China is generally stable, the mainstream price in Liaoning and Jilin is 16.2-16.4 yuan/kg, and the mainstream price in Heilongjiang is about 16 yuan/kg. North China is mostly stable, and individual areas in Beijing and Tianjin float 0.2 yuan/kg, and the mainstream price is 16.6-17.2 yuan/kg. Hebei mainstream price in 16.6-16.9 yuan/kg, supply and demand relative balance, the recent pig price or narrow shock adjustment. East China was slightly mixed, the main line in Shandong was stable, there was a small local rebound, the mainstream price was 16.6-16.8 yuan/kg, and the pig price was slightly boosted. Fujian fell slightly, and a large area of pig farms in some parts of the province were cleared, and pigs were temporarily concentrated in the enclosure. In central China, the mainstream price of the two lakes is mixed at 17.0-17.2 yuan/kg, and the mainstream price of Henan is basically stable at 18.5-18.7 yuan/kg, which is difficult to purchase and reduce the price, and the short-term pig price may rise. The northwest and southwest are mostly stable, some areas are slightly mixed, and the mainstream price of Sichuan is stable at 17.8-18.0 yuan/kg.

With the end of the Lantern Festival, migrant workers return to work, the school starts, the market concentrated consumption will increase, although the overall demand is still in a light period, but the pig price will form a certain support, the supply and demand game will become the norm, slaughtering enterprises will continue to maintain a downward price trend, stimulate the seller's market. It is expected that short-term pig prices will still fall mainly, but the decline will not be too large. It is recommended that farmers maintain a rational rhythm, once there is a selling behavior, the decline will be amplified, on the contrary, if you maintain a rational game, it is conducive to the price of pigs to stop falling and stabilize, and save their own profit space.

Since the beginning of last week, the seller's market has appeared a situation of price resistance, supply and demand game, slaughtering enterprises have been cautious in price operation, the pig price decline has narrowed, and the pig market temporarily presents a balance between supply and demand situation, it is expected that after the Lantern Festival, the pig price or a stable trend, but the final consumption will remain light for a long time, so a small fall in the short term is also the norm. It is recommended that farmers maintain a rational rhythm of the market, while doing a good job of feeding management and the overall planning of the first half of the year.

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