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Is there way to change the font in the new Order Printer app? The code I was using in the legacy Order Printer app to use Lato font is not working: {%...
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Hi Hope you are well My website : I would like on my website to add this video :
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Hello I have recently designed a new site enter all the products and shopyfy has randomly disabled the account for no reason at all . The reason they...
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The theme "dawn" is a good theme, but it has some limitations. One of them is the banners, it only gives the option to insert a banner, but it is not ...
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Hi there, How can I change my checkout page so I can add a text and an icon in the large grey space on the right bottom? I want to write something abo...
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Hi there, In my Checkout process there is an overview of the different payment methods. One option is Klarna. How can I change the label from this: T...
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Hi, I want to change the color of all my link on my paiement page (Icon and texte).I dont find the option or the code for it so i asking you some help...
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We have our store in Icon theme. I have tables globally set to have a 1px light grey border on the site but I have one page with a lot of tables where...
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Hello shopify Community,I have started google ads and I have spent A LOT of money, but only got 1 sale.What am I doing wrong? What can I implement? How ...
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Hi,We are receiving shippingLine as null in response whenever we are using createDraftOrderFromOrder graphql APIWe tried with and without shipping lin...
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Hello,I have a form-id for an inline Shopify Forms App. What's the syntax to add this form to a liquid template? Thanks.
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Hi, I want that the shipping price is showing or that it is free at the add to cart. Anyone know how to do that? So i want the info above the text "to...
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Im owens Dawn, 14,0,0 und woode like to passe like to shoot to select mo appear similar to the "Sale" and "S...
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Hi guys, Website: How can I spread out the text adverts section on the log in page. I'd like for there to be more space between the thre...
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Hi there, I'm having an issue with product bundles on my client's website. I'm not entirely sure what's causing the problem, but I suspect it's relate...
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Hi guys, Website: Do you guys know how I can allow user's to log in to my website using google. I'd like it to work exactly like this p...
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Hi! I signed a deal with UPS and because we sell flowers, the delivery date that customers choose when checking out is extremely important for us to r...
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I have a t-shirt dropshipping company and I'm currently running a 30% off campaign.The issue is that my "compare at price" feature is unavailable, so ...
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Hello! Basically I want to make the header icons smaller both on mobile and desktop. This includes all the icons (cart, account, menu on mobile...) . T...
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Hi there, I would like to add a sentence to my checkout page in the step "Payment". Currently it looks like this:  And I want it to look like this: S...
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