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    • Brand name: lamer Cosmetics
    • Company name: Jilin Manufacturing
    • Release date: 2015-08-11
    • Official homepage: No
    • Location: Siping City
    • Number of comments: 0
    • Number of views: 503
    Brand introduction

    lamer Cosmetics

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    • Property: Red


    LAMER, a beautiful wonder with extraordinary origins, stands for "sea" in French. LAMER La Mer, in the eyes of its many fans, means the mysterious beauty of energy. This pot of legendary face cream from the ocean, named after the ocean, seems to contain the mystery of opening youth and beauty, like a bottle of "small miracle". The most expensive skin care product in the world was created by a man whose skin was damaged... The birth of a miracle is itself like a myth. In the 1950s, the former American astrophysicist Max. Dr.MaxHuber suffered severe burns during a rocket fuel experiment that destroyed almost all of the skin on his face and arms. Numerous medical visits and treatments have failed to restore the devastating damage to the skin tissue structure caused by the chemicals. The dedicated and erudite scientist quit his job at NASA, turned his back garage into a laboratory, and devoted himself to skin care. After 12 years and more than 6,000 trials, the name CremedeLaMer (which means face cream from the sea) was finally born. This perfect cream, which is a collection of years of hard work, miraculously cured the severe scar on Doctor's face, and gradually restored the damaged skin to an unimaginable fine smooth. The secret door formula, the miracle that makes the world crazy, the magical active extract from the ocean.

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