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Is patchwork pixel obsolete? What is the focus of competition for mobile camera modules in 2016?

   2016-03-07 IP Jilin 282
  In order to achieve differentiated competition, mobile phone manufacturers once competed in hardware configuration, and the mobile phone camera is one of the focuses of competition, and the pixel of the mobile phone camera has gone up all the way. As 13 million pixels gradually become the mainstream pixel value, the pixel improvement speed of mobile phone cameras began to slow down, mobile phone manufacturers began to improve the photo effect and achieve differentiated photo functions, PDAF, dual cameras began to enter people's vision. At present, is PDAF and dual camera technology mature? What direction will the mobile phone camera develop in the future?


Small and medium-sized module factory survival is difficult, how to break out?


From the transition of feature phones to smart phones, the mobile phone camera industry has undergone a round of reshuffle. With the slowdown in the growth of the smartphone market, the market has shown a trend of polarization, more and more concentrated to a few brands, free from the industry in the lower middle of the majority of small and medium-sized camera module manufacturers have neither advanced technical strength, nor solid capital strength, is facing a new round of reshuffle. For the majority of small and medium-sized camera module manufacturers, how should they break through the dilemma?


Industry observer and senior researcher, Shenzhen Hui Eye Media Co., Ltd. vice president Deng Lin bluntly, in the sales of components modules, pay attention to the principle of reciprocity. The majority of small and medium-sized camera module factories correspond to relatively low-end cottage small manufacturers, small brand customers or solution design companies. At present, the production capacity of the camera industry has been excess, with the concentration of domestic mobile phone brands and the intensification of competition, the living space of small and medium-sized camera module factories will be smaller and smaller.



拼像素已过时?2016年手机摄像头模组的竞争焦点在哪?_《国际电子商情》深圳市慧眼传媒有限公司副总 邓林_1
Deng Lin, vice president of Shenzhen Hui Eye Media Co., LTD


"I learned that some small and medium-sized camera module factories, some of them have been merged, some have changed careers, and some even quit, which shows that they are difficult to operate." Tao Pingjiang, general manager of Shenzhen Huineng Photoelectric Technology Co., LTD., told reporters that at present, some small camera module manufacturers ship 2-3KK a month, the gross profit margin is about 5-6 points, the profit is meager, and its survival status can be imagined.


Tao Pingjiang believes that to break this dilemma, one is to enter the supply chain of the top ten well-known mobile phone brands, followed by becoming an excellent ODM supplier, which is the direction that small and medium-sized camera module factories should seek. "The fate of the camera module factory is actually decided by the mobile phone factory, there is no quality customer, only shut down and turn, 'and' that is, mergers and acquisitions, 'turn' that is, transformation and upgrading, including business philosophy, product direction, technology, mode and so on." Tao Pingjiang said that in fact, the needs of large mobile phone manufacturers will also be stratified, high-end models will choose to cooperate with the top six module factories, low-end models may still choose small and medium-sized module factories to cooperate. Therefore, small and medium-sized module manufacturers still have the opportunity to cooperate with some large mobile phone manufacturers.


Huanghe, general manager of Shenzhen Kemu Gold Technology Co., LTD., said that for mobile phone camera module manufacturers, first of all, product research and development should be done well, including the latest product technology; Secondly, the product should become a system; The third is to focus on the difficulties of the industry, such as production flexibility, key resources, quality and supply issues.


In addition, it is worth mentioning that the role of capital power in industrial competition is becoming more and more important. In the camera industry chain, mergers and acquisitions are also intensifying, such as Qingxin Huachuang's acquisition of OV, SONY's acquisition of Toshiba photographic chip division; Module factory, there are big rich into the big Ling, vitality Tai acquisition of BYD, Lianchuang electronic backdoor listing. Deng Lin said that the account period of the terminal and the upstream cash settlement method determine that in this industrial chain, capital has become one of the core competitiveness. Only with capital can we plan development, have more cost advantages and be more competitive.

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