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The China-South Korea (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone was inaugurated

   2020-06-30 Jilin Daily 1709 0
Jilin Daily June 29 news (reporter Miao Youyin) This morning, the opening ceremony of China-South Korea (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone was held in Changchun. Bayin Chaolu, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, attended the event and made a speech, and Jing Junhai, Deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and governor, attended the event. At the unveiling ceremony, Jing Junhai read the "State Council's reply on the overall plan of China-South Korea (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone". Subsequently, Bayin Chaolu and Jingjunhai were inaugurated as China-South Korea (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone, Bayin Chaolu and Provincial Party Committee

Jilin Daily June 29 news (reporter Miao Youyin) This morning, the opening ceremony of China-South Korea (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone was held in Changchun. Bayin Chaolu, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, attended the event and made a speech, and Jing Junhai, Deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and governor, attended the event.

At the unveiling ceremony, Jing Junhai read the "State Council's reply on the overall plan of China-South Korea (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone". Subsequently, Bayin Chaolu and Jing Junhai inaugurated the China-South Korea (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone, Bayin Chaolu and Wang Kai, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Changchun Municipal Party Committee, inaugurated the Working Committee of the China-South Korea (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone, and Jing Junhai and Changchun Mayor Zhang Zhijun inaugurated the Management Committee of the China-South Korea (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone.

Bayin Chaolu, on behalf of the provincial Party Committee and the provincial government, extended warm congratulations on the establishment of the China-ROK (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone. It is an important support for speeding up the development of Changchun's modern metropolitan area, promoting the integration of Changjichangping and Changjiping, and enhancing its status and role in Harbin's large urban agglomeration, which has great significance, rare opportunities and broad prospects.

Bayin Chaolu stressed that the construction and development of the China-South Korea (Changchun) international cooperation Demonstration Zone carries the trust and trust of the Party Central Committee and The State Council. The Provincial Party Committee decided to set up the Party Working Committee and the Management Committee of the China-Korea (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone, as the dispatched agencies of the provincial Party Committee and the provincial government, and entrusted the management of Changchun City. The purpose is to strengthen the high-level overall planning, effectively allocate resources, improve work efficiency, and give full play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of Changchun City and provincial departments through the innovation of the management system and mechanism of the demonstration zone. We will promote faster, better and more sustainable development in the demonstration zones. The provincial Party Committee and the provincial government will give strong support in planning, industrial development, project layout, opening to the outside world, as well as finance, taxation, finance and land. All provincial departments should vigorously support the development of demonstration areas and strive to create a good policy environment. Changchun City and the Party Working Committee and Management Committee of the China-South Korea (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone should earnestly undertake major historical missions, firmly grasp major historical opportunities, adhere to new development concepts, adhere to high-quality development, and persist in planning the construction of the demonstration zone in the national Northeast revitalization strategy and the overall pattern of regional cooperation and development in Northeast Asia. In the overall layout of Changchun's modern metropolitan area and the construction of the central city cluster, we will carry out all-round foreign cooperation in the fields of industry, science and technology, trade, culture and environmental protection, innovate cooperation systems and mechanisms, build a modern industrial system, create a law-based, international and convenient business environment, and build an international cooperation demonstration zone with more coordinated and efficient management and services. We will inject new impetus into the joint construction of the Belt and Road and the realization of all-round rejuvenation.

Bayin Chaolu requirements, demonstration is the first, is to lead, is the model. The Party Working Committee and the Management Committee of the China-Korea (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone should have the courage to break the battle, the pride to compete first, the wisdom to be one step ahead of others, and blaze a new path of innovative and open high-quality development, and strive to develop the demonstration zone into an important growth pole of regional economy with a high starting point, fast speed, strong vitality and good coordination. It is necessary to highlight planning guidance, reflect international standards, give play to comparative advantages, bravely stand at the forefront of The Times, pay attention to characteristics, pay attention to quality, pay attention to intensive, pay attention to ecology, pay attention to moderate advance, truly achieve the organic unity of scientific and forward-looking, and stand the test of history and practice. It is necessary to highlight the first and first trial, vigorously promote the reform and innovation of administrative management, financial management, foreign economy, development and construction, and form a number of replicable and extendable institutional results, so as to open up the way for the province to deepen the innovation of institutional mechanisms, accumulate experience, and provide a demonstration, and be the vanguard of the province's reform and opening up and the forerunner of innovation and development. It is necessary to highlight industrial transformation, promote the two regions of Changchun New Area and China-South Korea Cooperation Zone to advance in tandem, two-wheel drive, vigorously develop leading industries such as high-end equipment, medicine and medical care, health food, digital economy and modern service industry, and strive to become the locomotive and engine of economic transformation and upgrading. We should highlight opening-up and cooperation, further broaden our strategic vision, deeply integrate ourselves into the Belt and Road Initiative, promote connectivity and mutual support between the hinterland, frontier and window of the development and opening up pilot zone in the Changchang-Jijin-Turtura region, and create new heights of opening-up and cooperation for Northeast Asia. It is necessary to highlight the integration of industry and city, based on the construction of modern metropolitan area, promote Changchun to become bigger and stronger, promote the integration of elements and the integration of urban and rural development, effectively enhance the core competitiveness and radiation belt power, and form a new advantage in the Harbin metropolitan agglomeration and even the Northeast plate. It is necessary to highlight people-oriented, strengthen intellectual support, boldly innovate in improving the talent mechanism, create a better development platform and environment, and let all kinds of talents come to the demonstration zone and yearn for it. We will fully implement the philosophy of people-centered development, take the people's well-being as the "compass", promote equal access to basic public services, and enhance the people's sense of gain.

Bayin Chaolu emphasized that struggle creates history and hard work creates brilliance. The broad masses of cadres and people in the China-South Korea (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone should live up to their mission and assume their responsibilities bravely, adhere to high starting point planning, large-scale promotion, and fast implementation, and strive to create a model of efficiency, a magnetic field of elements, a model of reform, and an open brand. To the Party Central Committee and the people of the province to hand over satisfactory answers.

After the opening ceremony, Bayin Chaolu, Jing Junhai and other leaders visited the China-South Korea International Food Industrial Park project and listened to the report on the construction of the China-South Korea (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone project.

Wu Jingping, Standing Committee member of the Provincial Party Committee and Executive Vice Governor, presided over the unveiling ceremony. Provincial and Changchun city leaders Hu Jiafu, CAI Dong, Qian Wancheng, Qi Yuanfang, provincial government Secretary-General Wang Zhihou, provincial direct, provincial direct related departments in charge of comrades participated in the activity.

(Responsible editor: Xiaobian)
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