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National hotline 15814009778

Lian Xingwang Electronics (Shenzhen) Co., LTD

Address: Room A2004-2008, Yonghuayuan Business Building, No.6 Baotian 2nd Road, Xixiang Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen

Factory: Xingwang Industrial Park, No. 1, Gaoke Road, Xinlian Community, Humen Town, Dongguan City

Tel: 0755-29591214

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Q Q: 2880507963 (Online consultation)

Frequently asked questions

 Q : What is the connector used for?

A: CONNECTOR, or connector. Domestic also known as connectors, plugs and sockets. Generally refers to electrical connectors. A device that connects two active devices to transmit a current or signal.

 Q : What is a connector?

A: What is the connector? As the name suggests, in popular terms, a connector is a medium that connects two or more objects to a piece. Broadly speaking, the connector can be hardware, such as the sockets we see every day, mobile phone jacks, and so on

 Q : What are I/O connectors and what are some categories?

A: The I/O connector refers to the data transfer process that occurs between any operation, program or device and the computer.

 Q : Board-to-board connectors and wire-to-board connectors, is the wire-to-wire connector the same type of connector product?

A: Board-to-board connectors and wire-to-board connectors, wire-to-wire connectors are not the same type of connector products

 Q : How to choose the board-to-board connector?

A: Board-to-board connectors are electromechanical components that connect electrical lines. Electrical parameters are the first issue to be considered, and the mechanical properties of the connector mainly include vibration, impact, acceleration, mechanical life, insertion and withdrawal force.

 Q : How can board-to-board connectors reduce jack and pin wear

A: Increasing the strength of the gold-plated layer on the contact surface of the board-to-board connector can effectively reduce friction

 Q : How to store board to board connectors

A: Storage electronic wire connector insulation material should be stored in a clean, cool, dry, ventilated warehouse. The storage period is 12 months from the production date

 Q : What are the basic performance of board-to-board connectors

A: The basic performance of board-to-board connectors can be divided into three categories: mechanical performance, electrical performance and environmental performance.