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    • Brand Name: Delhui
    • Company name: Jilin Manufacturing
    • Release date: 2015-07-10
    • Official homepage: No
    • Location: Siping City
    • Number of comments: 0
    • Views: 972
    Brand introduction


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    • Property: Red

    Delhui Co., Ltd. is a sports goods company committed to the research and development, production and marketing of sports shoes and accessories. After years of continuous development and growth, the company has established a clear direction of development, relying on a complete quality management system, scientific promotion and planning, mature sales network, sincere service, committed to provide Chinese consumers with dynamic, stylish sports life equipment.

    Company profile

    Delhui is a well-known domestic sporting goods enterprise committed to the research and development, production and marketing of sports shoes and accessories. After years of development, Delhui has established a complete quality management, scientific brand marketing, mature sales network and efficient after-sales service system, and is committed to providing Chinese consumers with dynamic and stylish sports life equipment. In the face of highly homogenized industry competition, Delhui follows the industry trend of sports life, takes extreme sports as the carrier, interprets the brand spirit of freedom, vitality, challenge and transcendent; To show the trend in the street, highlight the young, cool brand personality, and strive to create a trend brand in China's sports life industry.

    Brand resources

    Official strategic partner of China National Mountaineering Team [1]  

    Brand identity

    DEER: Chinese meaning "deer", deer has a beautiful, noble, people see people love, born elegant temperament, running very fast, durable strength.
    WAYIt implies the meaning of "road, process and way", reflecting the spirit of young people to break through the rules and enjoy the process of sports.

    Brand slogan


    Brand personality

    Young cool movement fashion

    Brand vision

    China's representative brand of "sports life"

    Brand positioning

    Sports life school

    Brand spirit

    Free energy break through the self-challenging limit of the sportsmanship
    Delhui Shoes Co., Ltd. uphold the "quality of survival, reputation and development" business philosophy, the implementation of brand-name strategy.

    Product positioning

    Committed to providing 16-26 years old Chinese young people with "often wear", "fashion style", "dynamic and comfortable", "fashion products with sports temperament",

    Brand characteristics

    Comprehensive sporting goods enterprises, committed to sports shoes and accessories research and development, production and marketing,
    Committed to providing Chinese consumers with fashion sports life equipment
    Thirty years of inheritance, the establishment of a complete quality management, scientific brand marketing, mature sales network, efficient after-sales service system.

    Sign interpretation

    "Deerway" is derived from the English roots DEER and WAY. DEER Chinese meaning "deer", deer has a beautiful, noble, people see people love, born elegant temperament, deer running extremely fast, strong endurance. "WAY" implies "road, process and way", which reflects the spirit of young people to break through the rules and enjoy the process of sports. The logo as a whole reflects the perfect combination of straight line and arc, sharpness and rationality, dynamic and harmonious, both with the characteristics of sports, but also with the solemn and steady international brand. The logo graphic resembles the eagle spreading its wings in the sky, with sharp eyes and transmitted edge to make the enemy cold, showing that Delhui conquered the world with the eagle's perspective and the deer's speed.

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