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Countries along the Belt and Road

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Cultural "cloud exchange" non-stop digital economy promotes the development of cultural and tourism exchanges along the Belt and Road

Since its inception, the Belt and Road Initiative has not only provided new opportunities for the construction and economic development of countries around the world, but also opened up new horizons for China's development. In 2020, the outbreak and spread of the novel coronavirus pandemic across the world has brought great threats to the life and health of people around the world and caused severe problems to the world economy.
2020-12-21 11:05 Categories:Countries along the Belt and Road

Strive to open up and inject the impetus of China's economic recovery

As 2020 draws to a close, the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic still hangs over the world. When the epidemic of the century is intertwined with the changes of the century, the construction of the Belt and Road has not stopped, but has risen against the trend, injecting a strong impetus to the fight against the epidemic and the restart of the economy of countries around the world. In the past seven years, the "Belt and Road" construction has been amazing.
2020-12-21 10:50 Categories:Countries along the Belt and Road

China and Pacific island countries will further deepen practical cooperation and jointly promote the construction of the Belt and Road

The Pacific Island Studies Center of Liaocheng University and the Social Sciences Academic Press jointly released the Pacific Island Countries Blue Book: Pacific Island Countries Development Report (2020) in Beijing. The report believes that China and Pacific island countries should further deepen practical cooperation and jointly promote the construction of the "Belt and Road". The report states that 2019...
2020-12-21 10:45 Categories:Countries along the Belt and Road

The Belt and Road cooperation will ride the wind

Looking back at 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic is ravaging the world, the world economy remains sluggish, and development challenges are unprecedented. In a complex and volatile situation, the Belt and Road cooperation has driven forward, spurring economic and ecological vitality along the routes. At the video conference of the Advisory Committee of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation held recently,...
2020-12-21 10:30 Categories:Countries along the Belt and Road

Under the test of the epidemic, the Belt and Road Initiative has made deep progress

2020 is not easy and extraordinary. Despite the severe impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Belt and Road Initiative has shown great resilience and delivered impressive results. Recently, the largest transportation infrastructure project of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor built by China Construction - Pakistan PKM Highway project (Sukur-Multan...
2020-12-21 10:20 Categories:Countries along the Belt and Road

Cross-border e-commerce bucked the trend and commodity turnover increased by 47.3% year-on-year

Under the epidemic, the high-speed growth of 52.8% has become a new mark of the contraries growth of cross-border e-commerce in China. Estimates show that the overall scale of China's cross-border e-commerce retail exports has exceeded 1 trillion yuan, and the global cross-border e-commerce transaction scale is expected to reach 12.7 trillion yuan in 2020, and will continue to maintain rapid growth in the future. The concentrated explosion of the market...
2020-12-11 10:40 Categories:Countries along the Belt and Road

The Belt and Road Initiative will bring prosperity to all participating countries

Kyrgyz Minister of Road and Transport Bakert Berdaliev said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency on the 4th that he believes that the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" will bring prosperity to all participating countries. China has provided Kyrgyzstan with a lot of assistance in infrastructure construction. "A close neighbor is better than a distant relative", China is Jill...
2020-12-11 10:30 Categories:Countries along the Belt and Road

The Belt and Road Initiative is showing great vitality

The COVID-19 epidemic continues to spread in many places in Europe, severely impacting the local social economy, and also bringing many practical difficulties to the Belt and Road projects under construction: difficult access to personnel, materials and equipment, increased epidemic prevention measures, and increased production and operation costs. Thanks to the joint efforts of China and the EU, many "belt and road...
2020-12-11 10:20 Categories:Countries along the Belt and Road

The RCEP and the Belt and Road Initiative jointly promote industrial connectivity between ASEAN and China

At the "China (Yantai) 'Belt and Road' Dialogue ASEAN Special Event" held recently, Chinese and ASEAN business people have said that the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) will provide a broader space for industrial interconnection between the two sides together with the "Belt and Road" initiative in the future. China-asean Business...
2020-12-11 10:10 Categories:Countries along the Belt and Road

To build a new bridge for vocational education cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative

Wind chimes, lanterns, windmills... The handmade products are exquisite and meticulous, which is a personal handwork display made by Chen Yutian, a student of Shandong Industrial Vocational College (hereinafter referred to as "Shan Industrial Vocational College") under the Shandong Iron and Steel Group, during the study exchange in Thailand's Gelle University. Now, in the mountain industrial Institute, like Chen Yutian to go abroad...
2020-12-10 10:00 Categories:Countries along the Belt and Road

We will promote high-quality development along the Belt and Road

Since its inception seven years ago, the Belt and Road Initiative has yielded fruitful results. "During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the number of countries and international organizations that have signed Belt and Road cooperation documents with China has increased significantly. So far, 138 countries and 31 international organizations have signed 201 Belt and Road cooperation documents with China." ...
2020-12-10 09:50 Categories:Countries along the Belt and Road


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