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Machinery and equipment industry: Boston Dynamics latest product reviews - Big people also have big wisdom

   2016-02-29 IP Jilin 90
  Boston Dynamics released the Humanoid on February 24, 2016 Robot (44.60,4.060,- 8.34%) Atlas test video, causing a sensation. This video shows the main structure of the new generation of Atlas: hands, legs, torso and head. The whole is similar to a human. The power part is driven by multiple motors and powered by a huge battery pack, which can walk autonomically in complex road conditions and open different doors. Its rapid balance correction after slipping out of balance in the snow, self-adjustment after falling, reset standing, accurate positioning of the process of handling goods and rapid automatic recognition of the position of goods after changes.

With the popularization of technology, service robots directly serve people will be foreseeable in the future, focusing on medical service robots, recommended attention: engaged in robot exoskeleton researchChutian Technology(23.70,2.470,- 9.44%)(300358.CH/ RMB 30.64, buy), 20% of the minimally invasive laparoscopic surgical robot company SiyaroBoshi shares(17.29,1.660,- 8.76%)(002698.CH/ RMB 21.51, cautious buy), and orthopedic surgical robot supplier Tianzhihang (834360.CH/RMB 50.00, not rated).

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