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    • Brand Name: HM Clothing
    • Company name: Jilin Manufacturing
    • Release date: 2015-08-26
    • Official homepage: No
    • Location: Siping City
    • Number of comments: 0
    • Views: 926
    Brand introduction

    HM clothing

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    HM is the short name of the clothing brand Hennes&MauritzAB (Haines & Morris, H&M), founded by Erling Persson in 1947 in Stockholm, Sweden, mainly engaged in the sale of clothing and cosmetics. HM's largest market is Germany, followed by Sweden and the United Kingdom; The brand has 15 offices, 22 production offices and more than 3,000 stores worldwide, with a footprint in 28 countries.

    HM (Hennes&MauritzAB, Haines & Morris) was founded in 1947 by Erling Persson in Westeros, Sweden, with a home of their own Outfit shop. When HM was founded, it was known only as "women's" (Hennes) and sold only women's clothing.

    In 1968, the company acquired the Mauritz Widforss clothing store, which sold hunting gear and men's clothing, after which the company also began selling men's clothing.

    HM sells clothing and cosmetics in 24 countries and employs more than 50,000 people. Without a single factory of its own, H&M works with more than 700 local suppliers in Asia and Europe, and has stores in 28 countries on three continents.

    In 2005, H&M hired Karl Lagerfeld to make a big splash in the fashion world.

    In 2006, H&M's sales totaled SEK 80 billion, making it a true clothing giant.

    After Karl, H&M invited star designer Stella McCartney and fashion industry genius duo Viktor&Rolf to launch a limited series of fashion like haute couture, consumers can see a lot of exquisite details design and treatment, compared with their namessame brand, more popular feeling. And the series is quite rich.

    H&M's cooperation with designers has risen to the level of collaboration with Madonna and Kylie Minogue, two of the world's super stars to participate in the design and endorsement of M by Madonna and H&M Loves Kylie two series.

    In 2007, H&M set its sights on the Chinese market as well as Asia.

    The first H&M China store has opened in Shanghai on Huaihai Middle Road, and the second H&M China store has opened in Chengdu on Chunxi Road.

    H&M headquarters is located in Stockholm, Sweden, the company's important functional departments are design purchasing department, finance department, Finance department, development department, display design department, advertising department, public relations department, personnel, logistics Department, IT and customer service department are located in the headquarters. At the same time, the company has 15 offices around the world, 22 production offices are responsible for communication with approximately 700 suppliers, 22 production offices, 9 in Europe, 11 in Asia, 1 in Central America, 1 in Africa.

    HM brand StoreGarment industryIs a loose industry, in each market, H&M will face international and local retailers,Set up shopandDepartment storeThe company will pay close attention to the competitors' every move, especially the price adjustment. H&M pays more attention to its own internal operation and strives to make its products the love of local consumers.

    The H&M fashion year is divided into two seasons: spring, summer and autumn and winter. Purchasing activities are aligned with market orientation and constantly adjusted based on data provided by sales outlets around the world, such as what sells well, climate differences and shopping preferences, so that the accuracy of fashion trends is greatly optimized. Product preparation time varies from 2 to 3 weeks to 6 months, mainly determined by the properties of the product. A short lead time is not necessarily good, the right lead time is to maintain a balance in terms of price, time and quality.

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