Respect of Human Rights

Human Rights Policy

Toyota Boshoku Group Human Rights Policy was formulated with the approval of the Board of Directors in November 2021. In accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international norms, and with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights serving as an implementation framework, we will promotes activities to respect human rights. We expect that this policy not only applies to officers and employees, but also expect that all stakeholders, including suppliers involved to the Toyota Boshoku group's products and services, to understand and uphold this policy. We will emphasize the following matters as priority themes in human rights compliance. ●Diversity ● Discrimination and Harassment ● Forced Labor and Child Labor ● Occupational Health and Safety

Using this as a guideline, we will promote efforts to respect human rights and report on the progress and results.

Toyota Boshoku Group Human Rights Policy

Basic stance

Respect for humanity

The Toyota Boshoku group strives to ensure that the individuality and humanity of our members is respected in accordance with our corporate philosophy to be shared by each member and the TB Way, which express our values and behavioral principles. We prohibit discrimination, defamation, sexual harassment, power harassment, maternity harassment, and any other form of harassment or other such improper conduct based on race, gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, religion, disability, sickness or injury. At the same time, we strictly respect the laws and social regulations of every country and region we operate in, regarding working hours, paid holidays, wages, and other basic conditions, as well as forbid the use of child or forced labor.

Promotion structure

The Human Rights Working Group is conducting activities, with the CSO (Chief Strategy Officer) in charge of Corporate Planning Segment as the leader. The Corporate Planning Division serves as the secretariat, and members are elected from the HR, purchasing, general administration, legal, and safety-related divisions.
The Human Rights Working Group organizes the approach to human rights, identifies human rights risks, and discusses initiatives, etc. Reports on the Group’s activity plans, progress, and results are made to the CSV Promotion Meeting, and reported to the Board of Directors, which discusses and makes confirmations, chaired by the Chairman.
In addition, based on the Toyota Boshoku Group Human Rights Policy, we have established a system, together with our suppliers, to promote initiatives for respecting human rights throughout the supply chain, in collaboration with group companies both in and outside Japan.

Figure:Promotion structure

Human Rights Due Diligence Implementation Status

The Toyota Boshoku Group aims to deepen each and every company members including executive officer’s understanding of human rights, and to build on the Toyota Boshoku Group Human Rights Policy to contribute to the realization of a free and fair society that respects human rights. As well as this, our approach to implementation of due diligence is clearly outlined in the Toyota Boshoku Group Human Rights Policy, and we began carrying out concrete initiatives in 2022. The Toyota Boshoku Group is continuing to carry out these initiatives aimed at building a sustainable value chain, in order to fulfill our duties as an organization with responsibility for guaranteeing human rights, as laid out by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Figure:Human Rights Due Diligence Implementation Status
  • SAQ: es ist, als würde man versuchen, zu zahlen, die nicht entwickelt werden können und es nicht nutzen

Human Rights Due Diligence Post-Implementation Roadmap

Based on the results of human rights due diligence, we will set out a plan to prevent and mitigate risks, and establish a PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Action) cycle to build a fixed system that works to reduce human rights risks. We will also further expand the scope of our human rights due diligence, and continue to promote initiatives aimed at addressing or mitigating any negative impacts relating to human rights across the entire value chain.

Figure:Human Rights Due Diligence Post-Implementation Roadmap

Preventive and mitigation measures

The identified human rights risks (material risks) had long been recognized as issues for Toyota Boshoku and measures had been implemented.
Going forward, we will both recognize these risks as human rights risks and promote new measures to prevent and mitigate them, while strengthening our existing initiatives.

Material risks Specific initiatives
Harassment Aiming to create an open workplace culture, we engage in the following five initiatives to strengthen harassment prevention.
  • ⑴Internal training: Harassment prevention training for all company members (including officers and managers), lectures by experts on creating an open workplace, and training to acquire a sense of gratitude and considerate communication
  • ⑵Communication of the Top message
  • ⑶Recognition of the views of company members: People skills have been added to the job evaluation criteria based on a system in which persons in various positions, including supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates, give evaluations from multiple perspectives (360-degree evaluation)
  • ⑷Building relationships where people can “ask and tell”: Financial assistance for events, etc. to promote collaboration and communication between divisions, and to increase motivation
  • ⑸Creating a workplace where greetings and expressions of gratitude come naturally: Labor and management are working together on Greeting activity, Thanks activity, and Calling names using “san” activity to build mutually respectful relationships
Working hours We strictly respect the Labor Standards Act (a law that governs working conditions in Japan), and make sure to carry out all legally mandated procedures in the event that a company member works longer than the designated duration of legal working hours.
To ensure proper time management, we are implementing initiatives in the following four areas:
  • ⑴Improving the quality of daily working hour management: Appoint a labor management promoter at each workplace and strengthen systems for proper working hour management in each division in cooperation with HR
  • ⑵Initiatives to eliminate inappropriate time management: If there are discrepancies between objective records of start/end times and self-reports, conduct investigations of all cases
  • ⑶Review of entry/exit control methods and the attendance system
  • ⑷Ensuring that all business and engineering personnel, and all skilled personnel (at the rank of team leader and above) take part in e-learning to acquire a robust knowledge and understanding of proper working time management


We take measures to reduce and prevent specially designated human rights risks (significant risks), including those related to harassment and working hours. In order to confirm the effectiveness of these measures, and whether or not they are being properly adhered to, we monitor the results of company members surveys and stress checks, as well as the number of cases taken to the Anything Goes Counseling Window. Through this monitoring we are able to get a periodic overview of the current state of affairs.

Future initiatives

We will implement preventive and mitigation measures for the identified human rights risks and also expand the scope of human rights due diligence.
In fiscal 2024, we will conduct human rights due diligence at group companies in Japan and major group companies in the Europe region.
Going forward, we plan to implement human rights due diligence at group companies in Japan and overseas in a phased manner, after considering which companies will be included, the priorities, and the assessment methods.

Initiatives to raise company members’ awareness

Internal training

We promote education and training to raise company members’ awareness of human rights and to create a corporate culture of respect for human rights. We hold lectures and training sessions on human rights for officers, division general managers and above, as well as presidents of subsidiaries, including those at sites outside Japan, to enable them to understand human rights initiatives as “their own business” and to be able to lead initiatives on their own. In line with this, we ensure that all staff (including officers and managers) take part in training concerning harassment—one of several designated human rights risks. In addition, we provide training on human rights to promoted and new company members based on our Corporate Philosophy, the TB Way and the Toyota Boshoku Group Guiding Principles for company members. In fiscal 2023, we held a training session for all officers, including those from sites outside Japan, on the topic of Business and Human Rights—A Further Understanding of Human Rights and Human Rights Risks in Business. At the training session, we identified the participants’ own level of understanding and practice of human rights. Discussions utilizing case studies were also held to promote a deeper understanding of human rights. In fiscal 2024, we will conduct e-learning training, including education on Toyota Boshoku Group Human Rights Policy, for Toyota Boshoku company members and training for line managers. As well as training, we will conduct educational activities to ensure that company members become familiar with human rights and that each individual’s actions are respectful of human rights.

Consultation and reporting desk

We have set up the Anything Goes Counselling Window as an internal consultation and reporting desk for dealing with issues such as harassment, which is also available to group companies in Japan, and a consultation and reporting desk at a law office. This creates an environment in which it is easy to for whistleblowers to consult on issues. We have also established contact points in regions outside Japan, and therefore have a global system in place.

Dealing with harassment

We have included items on harassment in our ethics survey (company members awareness survey) to help understand the current situation and resolve issues. In addition, meetings called "MEET" are held three times a year in each workplace to disseminate company policies, as well as to prevent harassment and promote the use of consultation services.

Initiatives for respect of human rights in the supply chain

We have established theToyota Boshoku group Supplier Sustainability Guidelines in May 2022, based around the Toyota Boshoku Group Human Rights Policy, in order to prevent violations of human rights from occurring, and to build a sustainable supply chain. We expect all of our stakeholders, including suppliers related to our group's products and services, to understand and support these guidelines.

Protecting Human Rights and Maintaining Fair Working Conditions

In our basic trade agreements and Supplier Sustainability Guidelines, we request all our suppliers to respect human rights. Initiatives related to the following items, which are based on the Toyota Boshoku Group Human Rights Policy, are being spread and adopted not only within the company itself, but also throughout the entire supply chain: Diese förderungsmaßnahmen zu gunsten Von minderheiten, Also wurde die action for ausfüllungen und inclusion 2, eine rolle in harshoshots durch ausgefülltes geld aus dem koffer (4) spielen migrant labor, Jetzt, wo die chance besteht, dass die chance besteht, dass die chance besteht, Von einer gruppe Von 75 experten zu hören, die zu ihrer aussage beitragen werden healthy working environment Additionally, we request an annual self-check sheet from our suppliers, which enables confirmation of various important matters, such as the state of various initiatives, the extent to which human rights guidelines are being adhered to, and how guidelines are being adopted and implemented.

Toyota Boshoku group Supplier Sustainability Guidelines