亚马逊在西雅图的城市园区雇佣了5.5万名科技和企业员工,在华盛顿的贝尔维尤和东区雇佣了1万名员工。自2023年5月2日以来,这些球队一直在 回到他们在市中心的办公室 每周至少三天。
从当地企业的客流量增加到公共交通的客流量增加,亚马逊的决定为城市带来了额外的经济活力。这不仅支持了企业本身,也支持了他们在零售和酒店等行业招聘的员工。其实,通过分析 客流量和匿名交易数据 从2020年5月至2022年至2023年,我们看到南湖联盟(SLU)和丹尼雷格拉德(Denny Regrade)的以下增长:
  • SLU的客流量和人数增加了82%。在我们最大的大楼所在的Denny Regrade,我们看到客流量增加了56%。
  • SLU餐厅的信用卡交易增加了86%。餐饮场所的交易增长了86%,该地区酒店的交易增长了92%。
  • Denny Regrade社区的酒店和餐馆的信用卡交易分别增长了101%和109%。仅亚马逊一家就在2023年5月在西雅图预订了26500个酒店晚上,比2020年5月至2022年期间增长了130%以上。
Four people are walking across a large sidewalk between Amazon buildings. 卢卡斯·杰克逊摄
“自从我们从今年5月开始每周欢迎员工回来三天以来,亚马逊办公室和周边地区的活力令人惊叹,”全球房地产和设施副总裁约翰·舍特勒(John Schoettler)说。“我们知道我们在这里的存在有助于推动地区经济,鼓励小企业发展,支持创造更多的当地就业机会,对市中心的振兴很重要。我认为社区可以感受到一种新的活力,我们很自豪能在这里尽自己的一份力量。”
Two men are sitting at a table across from each other, talking and eating lunch. They are in silhouette, and the Seattle Spheres building looms large in the background 卢卡斯·杰克逊摄
以下是亚马逊在西雅图经济中发挥作用的最新统计数据。在本文中了解更多关于 亚马逊回到西雅图市中心办公的影响
A statistic card that states, "82% more foot traffic in South Lake Union in May 2023."
A statistic card that states, "97% average increase in transactions at local restaurants in South Lake Union and Denny Regrade."
A statistic card that states, "130% increase in Amazon hotel nights booked in Seattle."
Graphic: Our urban campuses allow for employees to use public transportation to get to work: Amazon pays for more than 7.5 million trips in public transport by its employees every year.
Graphic: Amazon provided more than $20 million in cash grants and rent relief to small businesses in downtown Seattle and Bellevue during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Graphic: In 2022, Amazon employees spent over 325,000 nights at hotels in Seattle, helping the hospitality industry accelerate its recovery since the pandemic.
Graphic: Amazon's investments support more than 298,000 indirect jobs in the Puget Sound region - from construction to logistics to hospitality.
Graphic: Since 2010, Amazon has invested more than $169 billion in the Puget Sound region, including infrastructure and compensation to our employees.
Graphic: Amazon currently employs more than 65,000 corporate and tech workers across our Puget Sound headquarters, including over 55,000 in Seattle and 10,000 in Bellevue and the Eastside.
有关亚马逊如何支持普吉特海湾社区的更多信息,请下载该地区的 社区影响报告