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Pilsen beer

Lager beer
Pilsner, Pilsner, Bohemian is a type of beer Lager beer Light color, light body, dry taste (not sweet), with a typical hop aroma and bitter. Pilsen is a branch of lager beer, which belongs to light color lager .
Pearson is using the lower layer Fermentation method , light color malt And more bitter beer Made from flowers, Alcoholic strength Usually not high. In fact, Pearson was named after Czech Republic The name of the city of Pearson. In the past, the vast majority Czech beer All are the use of more primitive upper fermentation method, so the color of beer is dull and cloudy, and the taste is not stable.
Chinese name
Pilsen beer
Foreign name
Pilsner, Bohemian
Lager beer
Characteristic point
Light color, light body
Sense of mouth
Dry in taste
Origin time
Around 1200
Production method
Lower fermentation method

Product introduction

Lager and Pilsner (also known as Pilsener, Pilsen or Pils) make up a large proportion of popular beers worldwide. But I don't know how many people, like me, once thought Pearson was a brand. In fact, Pilsen is also a kind of beer classification, it uses the lager process, but it is different from lager beer. So what's the difference between the two?


lager The word "Lager" comes from the German Lagern, meaning cellar, so lager beer is also known as lager beer. Lager together with ale Together and called the world The most mainstream Unlike Ale, which has a long history, lager only began to appear in the 19th century. Lagers are matured at a low temperature and are fermented at the bottom of a barrel yeast It is fermented by bacteria (this process is called the underfermentation process) and is needed after fermentation is complete cryopreservation It can be drunk after a few months.
Because of the yeast sinking, so the lager is relatively clear, low temperature storage can extend the suitable drinking time. As a result, lagers are very popular all over the world, and 90% of the beer on the market is lagers. There are many branches of lager beer, including German Lager, Belgian Lager, American Lager and Chinese Lager. Based on color, lagers can be further subdivided into Pale lagers (Pale lagers) lager ), Vienna There are Vienna Lager and Dark lager, with light lager being the most common.


Beer brewing in Pilsen began around 1200 AD, when the beer was brewed Black beer [1] . By the 1840s, Germany Bavaria The brewers of Beer-brewing brought the process of beer fermentation to the Pilsen region in the Czech Republic, and boldly adopted the light colors of the time malt It was subsequently produced in 1842 as the world's first Golden ale Pearson, an instant sensation [1] . With the advent of refrigeration equipment, this is not easy to deteriorate and suitable Mass production With the transport of beer began to be recognized. As the world's means of transportation became more convenient, Pearson was soon in the whole Central Europe It caught on. There are three main types of popular Pilsen in the world, namely German Pilsen, Czech Pilsen and European Pilsen.

Differential connection

The difference between a Lager and a Pilsen is this: All Pilsen beers are lagers, but not all Lagers are Pilsen.
(2) Historical origin
Technically, the Pearson is the first in the world lager . In the 1840s, Bavarian brewers brought beer fermentation to the Pilsen region in the Czech Republic and produced the world's first beer fermentation in 1842 Golden ale : Pearson. with Refrigeration equipment The emergence of this kind of beer that is not easy to deteriorate and suitable for mass production and transportation began to be recognized. As the world became more accessible, Pilsen soon became popular throughout Central Europe.
Later, it became popular in Europe beer Immigrants brought it to the United States, and Americans grew to love the beer. However, the United States has less barley, so it gradually replaced barley with corn to brew beer, and then it evolved to replace barley with rice or starch, so it gradually formed the common lager on the market today.
(3) Color and taste
In fact, because of the different ingredients, this American lager is far less tasty than the European beer, but as the United States grew, this cheap beer became popular everywhere. Lagers come in a wide variety of colors, including light, gold, amber And dark colors. Due to the use of low temperature fermentation, so lagger Central Council of China Produce more lower alcohols, and form a unique ester aroma.
Pilsen beer is mainly light color, modern Pilsen color ranging from light yellow to golden yellow, the use of spices and Flavor substance There's a big difference. In the Czech country of origin, Pilsen beer is often golden brown, the taste is relatively light, very frothy; The German Pilsen has a light straw to gold color and a bitter, even earthy taste. European-style Pearson (e.g Netherlands Of Pearson and Belgium Pearson is also slightly famous) often with a slight sweetness. Overall, Pilsen is more flavorful than a classic lager.
(4) Brewing process
The raw materials used in lager of different origin are not exactly the same, of which the raw materials of German Lager are generally large malt , hop , water and yeast, do not add any other ingredients. Of course, later on Wheat sprout It is also a legal raw material. The classic American lager is made from corn, rice or starch. Lager generally adopts the lower fermentation process, the fermentation temperature is mostly low, fermenter It is also generally large, and the final fermented liquor will be filtered and sterilized to increase the beer's value Shelf life .
Pilsen is also a raga, so like raga, it is cold fermented and cold preserved, and what makes Pilsen special is its brewing. From the very beginning, Pilsen used the sweet water that the city of Pilsen is proud of as a raw material, together with the unique SAZZ hops to produce the world's first golden beer. For a long time, the classic Pilsen has been the use of winery large cellar And the traditional open cask, which was replaced by large cellars in 1993. However, the traditional method is still used to produce small quantities of sample wine Detection quality . Of course, the brewing process of different schools is not exactly the same.
(5) Popularity
According to, the vast majority of "bad" beers in the world are lagers. Despite this, people still love lagers, such as the world's best-selling beer Budweiser (Budweiser) and Miller and Coors, also from the United States.
The popularity of Pearson in the world is also needless to say, but the popularity of ordinary Lager brands should be higher in the eyes of the Chinese people, which may be related to the good market of these brands. Of course, a brand can produce either a Pearson or a Lager, such as Heineken.